Section 6: Restriction of publicity
32.Article 13 of the Industrial Tribunals Order provides that regulations may enable an industrial tribunal to make a restricted reporting order where proceedings involve allegations of sexual misconduct. Article 13 also allows provision to be made preventing the identification of an individual affected by or making an allegation concerning a sexual offence.
33.Section 6 extends the scope of Article 13 of the Industrial Tribunals Order. It extends the potential scope of regulations so that they may provide for the making of a restricted reporting order in cases where the disclosure of certain information would be likely to put an individual or property at risk or, alternatively, where the tribunal considers that the interests of justice require such an order to be made.
34.The intent of the provision is to facilitate individuals who are deterred from going to tribunal because they foresee adverse consequences arising from public disclosure of certain sensitive information, such as information concerning their sexual orientation. The measure is not solely intended to benefit claimants; it applies to all parties, and individuals other than the parties, who may be adversely affected by the disclosure of such information.