8.The Act contains the necessary powers relating to the regulation of public transport service delivery in Northern Ireland. It covers the duty of the Department to secure the provision of public passenger transport services, the power to enter into agreements and to award service permits for that purpose, the ability to attach conditions to and vary a service permit along with powers for the revocation, suspension and curtailment of service permits. It creates offences and provides enforcement powers in respect of the contracting/service permit regime. The Act provides power for the Department to regulate fares, designate bus stations/premises as shared facilities, regulate passenger conduct in bus premises, provide integrated and on-street ticketing systems, make grants for the provision of bus services of benefit to certain sections of the public, acquire and dispose of land, provide vehicles and facilities for public transport purposes, and exploit commercial opportunities arising from its public transport functions.
9.The Act has 49 sections and 2 Schedules. A commentary on the provisions follows below. Comments are not given where the wording is self-explanatory.