Section 4 – Consideration by the Welsh Ministers of an application
18.Section 4 describes the process the Welsh Ministers must follow in dealing with an application, namely, when they must consider it, when they must refuse to consider the application and when they may consider it.
19.Subsection (1) provides that, if the Welsh Ministers are satisfied that an authority has met the requirements set out in section 3 for an application for a direction, they must proceed to consider whether or not to issue a direction.
20.Subsection (2) provides that if the Welsh Ministers are of the opinion that an application does not comply with section 3, they cannot consider whether or not to issue a direction but must refuse the application. However, if they consider that the failure to comply is immaterial or insignificant, they may consider the application.
21.Subsection (3) sets out the requirement to notify the authority as to whether or not the Welsh Ministers are considering an application.
22.Subsection (4) explains what counts as the day on which the Welsh Ministers decide to consider an application. It is necessary to be able to establish this day as any right to buy claim made after it is stayed under section 122A of the 1985 Act (inserted by section 31 of the Measure).
23.Subsection (5) deals with the treatment of further information (if provided before the Welsh Ministers decide to consider an application) in support of an application where provided under section 27. Any such further information forms part of that application.