Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/79 of 12 September 2016 establishing detailed technical requirements and test procedures for the EC type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to their 112-based eCall in-vehicles systems, of 112-based eCall in-vehicle separate technical units and components and supplementing and amending Regulation (EU) 2015/758 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the exemptions and applicable standards (Text with EEA relevance)
ANNEX I Technical requirements and procedures for testing the resistance of eCall in-vehicle systems to severe crashes (high-severity deceleration test)
1.1.Performance requirements
1.1.1.The high-severity deceleration test of eCall in-vehicle systems, STUs and components, carried out in accordance with point 2, shall be considered satisfactory if the following requirements are demonstrated post-deceleration/acceleration event.
1.1.2.MSD emission and encoding: The eCall system or representative arrangement shall be able to successfully transmit an MSD to a PSAP test point.
1.1.3.Incident time determination: The eCall system or representative arrangement shall be able to determine an up-to-date timestamp for an eCall incident.
1.1.4.Position determination: The eCall system or representative arrangement shall be able to determine accurately the up-to-date vehicle location.
1.1.5.Mobile network connectivity: The eCall system or representative arrangement shall be able to connect to and transmit data via the mobile network.
2.Test procedure
2.1.Purpose of the high-severity deceleration test procedure
The purpose of this test is to verify the sustained functionality of the 112-based eCall system after being subjected to inertial loads which may occur during a severe vehicle crash.
2.2.The following tests shall be performed on a representative arrangement of parts (without a vehicle body).
2.2.1.A representative arrangement shall include all parts required by the eCall system to successfully populate and transmit the MSD in an eCall.
2.2.2.This shall include the control module and the power source and any other parts required to perform the test eCall.
2.2.3.This shall include the external antenna for mobile communication.
2.2.4.The wiring harness may be represented only by the relevant connectors (connected to the tested components) and a length of wire. The length of the wiring harness and its eventual fixation can be decided by the manufacturer in agreement with the technical service referred to in Article 3(31) of Directive 2007/46/EC so that it is representative for the different installation configurations of the eCall system.
2.3.Deceleration/acceleration procedure
2.3.1.The following conditions shall apply:
The test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 10 °C.
At the beginning of the test, the power supply shall be charged sufficiently to allow performing the subsequent verification tests.
2.3.2.The tested parts shall be connected to the test fixture by the intended mountings provided for the purpose of attaching them to a vehicle. If the intended mountings of the power source are specifically designed to break in order to release the power source in an impact event, they shall not be included in the test. The technical service shall verify that such release in a real-life high-severity crash event shall not impair the functionality of the system (e.g. no disconnection from the power source).
2.3.3.If additional brackets or fixtures are used as part of the deceleration/acceleration facility, these shall provide a sufficiently rigid connection to the deceleration/acceleration facility to not affect the outcome of the test.
2.3.4.The eCall system shall be decelerated or accelerated in compliance with the pulse corridor that is specified in the Table and Figure. The acceleration/deceleration shall be measured at a rigid part of the deceleration/acceleration facility and filtered at CFC-60.
2.3.5.The test pulse shall be within the minimum and maximum values as specified in the Table. The maximum velocity change ΔV shall be 70 km/h [+ 0/– 2 km/h]. However, if with the agreement of the manufacturer, the test was performed at a higher acceleration or deceleration level, a higher ΔV and/or longer duration the test shall be considered satisfactory.
2.3.6.The parts referred to in point 2.2 shall be tested in a worst case configuration. Their position and orientation on the sled shall correspond to the installation recommendations of the manufacturer and shall be indicated in the type-approval certificate issued under Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/78.
2.3.7.Description of the test pulse
Figure Minimum and maximum curve of the test pulse (pulse corridor)
Acceleration/deceleration values of the minimum and maximum curve of the test pulse
Point | Time (ms) | Acceleration/Deceleration (g) |
A | 10 | 0 |
B | 34 | 65 |
C | 38 | 65 |
D | 46 | 0 |
E | 0 | 16 |
F | 25 | 77 |
G | 47 | 77 |
H | 60 | 0 |
2.4.Verification procedure
2.4.1.Verify that no cable connectors were unplugged during the event.
2.4.2.The performance requirements shall be verified by performing a test call using the power source subjected to the high-severity deceleration.
2.4.3.Before performing the test call, ensure that:
the eCall system receives (real or simulated) GNSS signals to an extent representative of open sky conditions;
the eCall system has had sufficient time in a powered state to achieve a GNSS position fix;
one of the connection procedures defined in point 2.7, as agreed between the technical service and the manufacturer, will be applied for any test call;
the dedicated PSAP test point is available to receive an eCall emitted by the 112-based system;
a false eCall to a genuine PSAP cannot be made over the live network; and
if applicable, the TPS system is deactivated or will automatically switch to the 112-based system.
2.4.4.Perform a test call (push mode) by applying a trigger according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
2.4.5.Verify each of the following items:
Verify that an MSD was received by the PSAP test point. This shall be verified by a record of the PSAP test point showing that an MSD emitted from the eCall system following the trigger was received and successfully decoded. If the MSD decoding failed at redundancy version MSD rv0 but was successful at a higher redundancy version or in robust modulator mode, as defined in ETSI/TS 126 267, this is acceptable.
Verify that the MSD contained an up-to-date timestamp. This shall be verified by a test record showing that the timestamp contained in the MSD received by the PSAP test point does not deviate from the exact recorded time of the trigger activation by more than 60 seconds. The transmission may be repeated if the eCall system failed to achieve a GNSS position fix before the test.
Verify that the MSD contained an accurate, up-to-date location. This shall be verified in accordance with the Vehicle Location Test Procedure as defined in point 2.5 by a test record showing that the deviation between IVS location and true location, d_IVS, is less than 150 metres and the confidence bit transmitted to the PSAP test point indicates 'position can be trusted'.
2.4.6.Clear down the test call using the appropriate PSAP test point command (e.g. hang up).
2.5.Positioning test procedure
2.5.1.The sustained functionality of the GNSS components shall be verified by comparing the location input and the location output of the system.
2.5.2.The ‘IVS location’ (φIVS, λIVS) shall be: The location contained in an MSD transmitted to a PSAP test point while the GNSS antenna is in open sky conditions (real or simulated).
2.5.3.The ‘true location’ (φtrue, λtrue) shall be:
the actual location of the GNSS antenna (known location or determined with another means than the eCall system), when using real GNSS signals; or
the simulated location, when using simulated GNSS signals.
2.5.4.The deviation between IVS location and true location, dIVS shall be calculated using the following equations:
Δφ = φIVS – φtrue
Δλ = λIVS – λtrue
Difference in latitude (in radian)
Difference in longitude (in radian)
; 1 mas = 4,8481368 · 10– 9 rad
Mean latitude (in unit suitable for the cosine calculation)
Radius of the earth (mean) = 6 371 009 metres
2.5.5.The positioning test procedure may be repeated if the eCall system failed to achieve a GNSS position fix before the test.
2.6.Antenna test procedure
2.6.1.If the connection procedure applied for the test call did not make use of over-the-air data transmission, the sustained functionality of the mobile network antenna shall be verified by checking the antenna tuning status after the deceleration event according to the following procedure.
2.6.2.Measure the voltage standing wave ratio,, of the external mobile network antenna after the deceleration event at a frequency within the antenna's specified frequency band. measurement shall be performed with a power meter, antenna analyser or SWR meter as close as possible to the antenna feed point. a power meter is used, shall be calculated using the following equation:
Forward measured power
Reverse/reflected measured power
2.6.3.Verify that satisfies the specifications prescribed by the manufacturer for new antennas.
2.7.Connection procedures
2.7.1.Simulated Mobile Network Procedure shall be ensured that a TS12 call emitted by the 112-based system will be performed over-the-air via a non-public (i.e. simulated) mobile network and routed to the dedicated PSAP test point. dedicated PSAP test point during the test procedures shall be a PSAP simulator under the control of the technical service, compliant with the applicable EN standards and certified in accordance with EN 16454. It shall be equipped with an audio interface to allow voice communication tests. applicable, it shall be ensured that a TS11 call emitted by the TPS system will be performed over-the-air via a non-public (i.e. simulated) mobile network and routed to the TPSP test point. TPSP test point shall be a dedicated TPSP answering point simulator under the control of the technical service or a genuine TPSP answering point (permission by TPSP required). network coverage of at least – 99 dBm or equivalent is recommended for this procedure.
2.7.2.Public Mobile Network Procedure shall be ensured that a TS11 call to a long number will be emitted by the 112-based system (instead of a TS12 call) and will be performed over-the-air via a public mobile network and routed to the dedicated PSAP test point. dedicated PSAP test point during the test procedures shall be a PSAP simulator under the control of the technical service, compliant with the applicable EN standards and certified in accordance with EN 16454. It shall be equipped with an audio interface to allow voice communication tests. applicable, it shall be ensured that a TS11 call emitted by the TPS system will be performed over-the-air via a public mobile network and routed to the TPSP test point. TPSP test point shall be a dedicated TPSP answering point simulator under the control of the technical service or a genuine TPSP answering point (permission by TPSP required). network coverage of at least – 99 dBm or equivalent is recommended for this procedure.
2.7.3.Wired Transmission Procedure shall be ensured that a TS12 call emitted by the 112-based system will only be performed via a wired connection with a dedicated network simulator (bypassing any mobile network antenna) and routed to the dedicated PSAP test point. dedicated PSAP test point during the test procedures shall be a PSAP simulator under the control of the technical service, compliant with the applicable EN standards and certified in accordance with EN 16454. It shall be equipped with an audio interface to allow voice communication tests. applicable, it shall be ensured that a TS11 call emitted by the TPS system will be performed via a wired connection with a dedicated network simulator (bypassing any mobile network antenna) and routed to the dedicated TPSP test point. TPSP test point shall be a dedicated TPSP answering point simulator under the control of the technical service or a genuine TPSP answering point (permission by TPSP required).
2.8.Verification procedures for components
2.8.1.These procedures shall apply for the purposes of type-approval of a 112-based eCall in-vehicle system component in accordance with Article 5 of this Regulation. procedures shall apply after the individual parts are subjected to the deceleration test under point 2.3 of this Annex.
2.8.2.Control module including its connectors and wire harness as described in point 2.2.4 of this Annex. that no cable connectors are unplugged during the event. performance requirements shall be verified by performing a test call. performing the test call, ensure that:
the eCall system receives (real or simulated) GNSS signals to an extent representative of open sky conditions;
the eCall system has had sufficient time in a powered state to achieve a GNSS position fix;
one of the connection procedures defined in point 2.7, as agreed between the technical service and the manufacturer, will be applied for any test call;
the dedicated PSAP test point is available to receive an eCall emitted by the 112-based system;
a false eCall to a genuine PSAP cannot be made over the live network; and
if applicable, the TPS system is deactivated or will automatically switch to the 112-based system. a test call (push mode) by applying a trigger according to the instructions of the manufacturer. each of the following items:
Verify that an MSD was received by the PSAP test point. This shall be verified by a record of the PSAP test point showing that an MSD emitted from the eCall system following the trigger was received and successfully decoded. If the MSD decoding failed at redundancy version MSD rv0 but was successful at a higher redundancy version or in robust modulator mode, as defined in ETSI/TS 126 267, this is acceptable.
Verify that the MSD contained an up-to-date timestamp. This shall be verified by a test record showing that the timestamp contained in the MSD received by the PSAP test point does not deviate from the exact recorded time of the trigger activation by more than 60 seconds. The transmission may be repeated if the eCall system failed to achieve a GNSS position fix before the test.
Verify that the MSD contained an accurate, up-to-date location. This shall be verified in accordance with the Vehicle Location Test Procedure as defined in point 2.5 by a test record showing that the deviation between IVS location and true location, dIVS, is less than 150 metres and the confidence bit transmitted to the PSAP test point indicates ‘position can be trusted’. down the test call using the appropriate PSAP test point command (e.g. hang up).
2.8.3.Mobile network antenna including its connectors and wire harness as described in point 2.2.4 of this Annex that no cable connectors were unplugged during the event. the voltage standing wave ratio, VSWR, of the external mobile network antenna after the deceleration event at a frequency within the antenna's specified frequency band. measurement shall be performed with a power meter, antenna analyser or SWR meter as close as possible to the antenna feed point. a power meter is used, VSWR shall be calculated using the following equation:
Forward measured power
Reverse/reflected measured power that VSWR satisfies the specifications prescribed by the manufacturer for new antennas.
2.8.4.Power supply (if not part of the control module) including its connectors and wire harness as described in point 2.2.4 of this Annex that no cable connectors are unplugged during the event. if the voltage corresponds to the manufacturer's specification.
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