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Commission Regulation (EC) No 77/2005Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 77/2005 of 13 January 2005 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community

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8. Annex 10 is amended as follows


Section ‘E. ESTONIA’ is replaced by the following:


1.For the purpose of applying Articles 14c, 14d(3) and 17 of the Regulation and Articles 6(1), 10b, 11(1), 11a(1), 12a, 13(2), 13(3), 14(1), 14(2), 14(3), 17, 38(1), 70(1), 82(2), 86(2) of the implementing Regulation:
  • Sotsiaalkindlustusamet (Social Insurance Board).

2.For the purpose of applying Articles 8 and 113(2) of the implementing Regulation:
  • Eesti Haigekassa (Estonian Health Insurance Fund).

3.For the purpose of applying Article 80(2) and 81 of the implementing Regulation:
  • Eesti Töötukassa (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund).

4.For the purpose of applying Article 102(2) of the implementing Regulation:

Sickness, maternity, work accidents and occupational diseases:

  • Eesti Haigekassa (Estonian Health Insurance fund);



  • Eesti Töötukassa (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund).

5.For the purpose of applying Article 109 of the implementing Regulation:
  • Maksuamet (Tax Board).

6.For the purpose of applying Article 110 of the implementing Regulation:
  • Respective competent institution.


Section ‘F. GREECE’ is amended as follows:


Point 1 is replaced by the following:

1.For the purposes of applying Article 6(1) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Point 2(b)(i) is replaced by the following:


in general: Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Point 3(a)(b)(c)(i) is replaced by the following:


in general: Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Point 4(a) is replaced by the following:


in general: Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Point 6 is replaced by the following:


For the purposes of applying Article 81 of the implementing Regulation:

  • Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Points 7(c)(i) and (ii) are replaced by the following:


for the employed, self-employed and local government employees:

  • Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens),


for civil servants:

  • Οργανισμός Περίθαλψης Ασφαλισμένων Δημοσίου (ΟΠΑΔ), Αθήνα (Civil Servants’ Sickness Insurance Fund (OPAD), Athens.;


Point 8(c) is replaced by the following:


other benefits:

  • Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).;


Point 9 (b) is replaced by the following:


other benefits:

  • Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων — Ενιαίο Ταμείο Ασφάλισης Μισθωτών (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Αθήνα (Social Insurance Institute — Unified Insurance Fund for Employees (ΙΚΑ — ΕΤΑΜ), Athens).


Section ‘G. SPAIN’ is amended as follows:

Points 5 and 6 are replaced by the following:

5.For the purposes of applying Article 102(2) in respect of unemployment benefits:

  • Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal. INEM, Madrid (State Public Employment Service. INEM, Madrid).

6.For the purposes of applying Article 80(2), Article 81 and Article 82(2) of the implementing Regulation, in respect of unemployment benefits except for mariners:

  • Direcciones Provinciales del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal. INEM (Provincial Directorates of the State Public Employment Service. INEM).


Section ‘H. FRANCE’ is amended as follows:


Point 5 is replaced by the following:

5.For the purposes of applying Article 14(1)(b), Article 14a(1)(b) and Article 17 of the Regulation:

  • Centre des liaisons européennes et internationales de sécurité sociale (Centre for European and International Liaison on Social Security) (formerly the Centre de sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants — Centre for the Social Security of Migrant Workers), Paris.;


Points 8 and 9 are replaced by the following:

8.For the purposes of applying jointly Articles 36 and 63 of the Regulation and Article 102 of the implementing Regulation:

  • Centre des liaisons européennes et internationales de sécurité sociale (Centre for European and International Liaison on Social Security) (formerly the Centre de sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants — Centre for the Social Security of Migrant Workers), Paris.

9.For the purposes of applying Article 113(2) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Centre des liaisons européennes et internationales de sécurité sociale (Centre for European and International Liaison on Social Security) (formerly the Centre de sécurité sociale des travailleurs migrants — Centre for the Social Security of Migrant Workers), Paris.


Section ‘J. ITALY’ is amended as follows:

Point 2 is replaced by the following:

2. (a)For the purposes of applying Article 17 of the Regulation:

  • Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale (National Social Welfare Institution), regional offices.;

(b)For the purposes of applying Articles 11(1), 13(2) and (3) and 14(1), (2) and (3) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale (National Social Welfare Institution), provincial offices.


Section ‘M. LITHUANIA’ is amended as follows:


Point 3 is replaced by the following:

3.For the purposes of applying Articles 80(2), 81 and 82(2) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Lietuvos darbo birža (Lithuanian Labour Exchange).;


Point 4(b) is replaced by the following:


refunds in pursuance of Article 70(2):

  • Lietuvos darbo birža (Lithuanian Labour Exchange).;


Point 5(c) is replaced by the following:


cash benefits in pursuance of Chapter 6 of Title III of the Regulation:

  • Lietuvos darbo birža (Lithuanian Labour Exchange).


Section ‘S. POLAND’ is amended as follows:


Point 3(a) is replaced by the following:


benefits in kind:

  • Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund), Warszawa.;


Point 4(a) is replaced by the following:


benefits in kind:

  • Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund), Warszawa.;


Point 5 is replaced by the following:

5.For the purposes of applying Article 38(1) of the implementing Regulation:


for persons who have been recently employed or self-employed with the exception of self-employed farmers and for professional soldiers and officers who have completed periods of service other than mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

  • units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in Annex 3(2)(a);


for persons who have been recently self-employed farmers and who have not completed periods of service mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

  • units of Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) listed in Annex 3(2)(b);


for professional soldiers:

  • Wojskowe Biuro Emerytalne w Warszawie (Military Pension Office in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c);


for Police officers, State Protection Office officers, Internal Security Agency officers, Foreign Intelligence Agency officers (public security services), Border Guard officers, Government Security Bureau officers and National Fire Brigades officers:

  • Zakład Emerytalno — Rentowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji w Warszawie (Pension Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(d);


for Prison Guard officers:

  • Biuro Emerytalne Służby Więziennej w Warszawie (Pension Office of Prison Service in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(e);


for judges and prosecutors:

  • specialised entities of the Ministry of Justice.


for persons who have completed exclusively foreign periods of insurance:

  • units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in Annex 3(2)(g).;


Point 6 is replaced by the following:

6.For the purposes of applying Article 70(1) of the implementing Regulation:


long-term benefits:


for persons who have been recently employed or self-employed excluding self-employed farmers and for professional soldiers and officers who have completed periods of service other than mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in Annex 3(2)(a);


for persons who have been recently self-employed farmers and who have not completed periods of service mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

units of Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) listed in Annex 3(2)(b);


for professional soldiers:

Wojskowe Biuro Emerytalne w Warszawie (Military Pension Office in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c);


officers mentioned in point 5(d):

  • Zakład Emerytalno — Rentowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji w Warszawie (Pension Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(d);


for Prison Guard officers:

  • Biuro Emerytalne Służby Więziennej w Warszawie (Pension Office of Prison Service in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(e);


for judges and prosecutors:

  • specialised entities of the Ministry of Justice;


for persons who have completed exclusively foreign periods of insurance:

  • units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in Annex 3(2)(g).;


Point 7 is replaced by the following:

7.For the purposes of applying Article 80(2), Article 81, Article 82(2), Article 83(1), Article 84(2) and Article 108 of the implementing Regulation:

  • Wojewódzkie urzędy pracy (voivodeship labour offices) with territorial jurisdiction over the place of residence or stay.;


Point 9 is replaced by the following:

9.For purposes of applying Article 86(2) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Regional center of social policy competent in respect of the place of residence or stay for person entitled to benefits.;


Point 10 is replaced by the following:

10.For the purposes of applying Article 91(2) of the implementing Regulation:


for the purposes of applying Article 77 of the Regulation:

  • Regional center of social policy competent in respect of the place of residence or stay for person entitled to benefit;


for the purposes of applying Article 78 of the Regulation:


for persons who have been recently employed or self-employed with the exception of self-employed farmers and for professional soldiers and officers who have completed periods of service other than mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

  • units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in Annex 3(2)(a);


for persons who have been recently self-employed farmers and who have not completed periods of service mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c)(i), (c)(ii), (d)(i), (d)(ii), (e)(i), (e)(ii):

  • units of Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) listed in Annex 3(2)(b);


for professional soldiers:

  • Wojskowe Biuro Emerytalne w Warszawie (Military Pension Office in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(c);


for officers mentioned in point 5(d):

  • Zakład Emerytalno — Rentowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji w Warszawie (Pension Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(d);


for Prison Guard officers:

  • Biuro Emerytalne Służby Więziennej w Warszawie (Pension Office of Prison Service in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(2)(e).


for former judges and prosecutors:

  • specialised entities of the Ministry of Justice.;


Point 11 is replaced by the following:

11.For the purposes of applying Articles 36 and 63 of the Regulation and Article 102(2) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund), Warszawa.


Section ‘V. SLOVAKIA’ is amended as follows:


Points 4(b) and (c) are replaced by the following:


Family benefits:

  • Úrady práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny (Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family) competent according to the place of residence or stay of the claimant;


Unemployment benefits:

  • Sociálna poist’ovňa (Social Insurance Agency), Bratislava;


Point 8 is replaced by the following:

8.For the purposes of applying Articles 80(2), 81 and 82(2) of the implementing Regulation:

  • Sociálna poist’ovňa (Social Insurance Agency), Bratislav.;


Point 11 is replaced by the following:

11.For the purposes of applying Article 91(2) of the implementing Regulation (in connection with paying benefits according to Articles 77 and 78 of the Regulation):

  • Úrady práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny (Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family) competent according to the place of residence or stay of the claimant.;


Point 12 is replaced by the following:

12.For the purposes of applying Article 102(2) of the implementing regulation:


with respect to reimbursements referred to in Articles 36 and 63 of the Regulation:

  • Úrad pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou, Bratislava


in connection with the reimbursement according to Article 70 of the Regulation:

  • Sociálna poist’ovňa (Social Insurance Agency), Bratislava.;


Point 13(c) is replaced by the following:


unemployment benefits:

  • Sociálna poist’ovňa (Social Insurance Agency), Bratislava.


Section ‘X. SWEDEN’ is amended as follows:


Point 3 is replaced by the following:

3.For the purpose of applying Articles 14b (1) and (2) in cases when a person is posted to Sweden for a period longer than 12 months:

  • Försäkringskassan i Västra Götaland, sjöfartskontoret (National Social Insurance Agency, local office of Västra Götaland, seafarer’s division).;


Point 6(b) is replaced by the following:


Försäkringskassan (National Social Insurance Agency).;


Point 7(b) is replaced by the following:


Inspektionen för arbetslöshetsförsäkringen, IAF (The Unemployment Insurance Board).

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