Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast) (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)
This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).
6.Subject to point 8, the risk-weighted exposure amount of a rated securitisation position shall be calculated by applying to the exposure value the risk weight associated with the credit quality step with which the credit assessment has been determined to be associated by the competent authorities in accordance with Article 98 as laid down in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
Positions other than ones with short-term credit assessments
Credit quality step | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 and below |
Risk weight
| 20 %
| 50 %
| 100 %
| 350 %
| 1 250 %
Table 2
Positions with short-term credit assessments
Credit quality step | 1 | 2 | 3 | All other credit assessments |
Risk weight
| 20 %
| 50 %
| 100 %
| 1 250 %
7.Subject to points 10 to 15, the risk-weighted exposure amount of an unrated securitisation position shall be calculated by applying a risk weight of 1 250 %.
2.1.Originator and sponsor credit institutions
8.For an originator credit institution or sponsor credit institution, the risk-weighted exposure amounts calculated in respect of its positions in a securitisation may be limited to the risk-weighted exposure amounts which would be calculated for the securitised exposures had they not been securitised subject to the presumed application of a 150 % risk weight to all past due items and items belonging to ‘regulatory high risk categories’ amongst the securitised exposures.
2.2.Treatment of unrated positions
9.Credit institutions having an unrated securitisation position may apply the treatment set out in point 10 for calculating the risk-weighted exposure amount for that position provided the composition of the pool of exposures securitised is known at all times.
10.A credit institution may apply the weighted-average risk weight that would be applied to the securitised exposures under Articles 78 to 83 by a credit institution holding the exposures, multiplied by a concentration ratio. This concentration ratio is equal to the sum of the nominal amounts of all the tranches divided by the sum of the nominal amounts of the tranches junior to or pari passu with the tranche in which the position is held including that tranche itself. The resulting risk weight shall not be higher than 1 250 % or lower than any risk weight applicable to a rated more senior tranche. Where the credit institution is unable to determine the risk weights that would be applied to the securitised exposures under Articles 78 to 83, it shall apply a risk weight of 1 250 % to the position.
2.3.Treatment of securitisation positions in a second loss tranche or better in an ABCP programme
11.Subject to the availability of a more favourable treatment by virtue of the provisions concerning liquidity facilities in points 13 to 15, a credit institution may apply to securitisation positions meeting the conditions set out in point 12 a risk weight that is the greater of 100 % or the highest of the risk weights that would be applied to any of the securitised exposures under Articles 78 to 83 by a credit institution holding the exposures.
12.For the treatment set out in point 11 to be available, the securitisation position shall be:
in a tranche which is economically in a second loss position or better in the securitisation and the first loss tranche must provide meaningful credit enhancement to the second loss tranche;
of a quality the equivalent of investment grade or better; and
held by a credit institution which does not hold a position in the first loss tranche.
2.4.Treatment of unrated liquidity facilities
2.4.1.Eligible liquidity facilities
13.When the following conditions are met, to determine its exposure value a conversion figure of 20 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility with an original maturity of one year or less and a conversion figure of 50 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility with an original maturity of more than one year:
The liquidity facility documentation shall clearly identify and limit the circumstances under which the facility may be drawn;
It shall not be possible for the facility to be drawn so as to provide credit support by covering losses already incurred at the time of draw — for example, by providing liquidity in respect of exposures in default at the time of draw or by acquiring assets at more than fair value;
The facility shall not be used to provide permanent or regular funding for the securitisation;
Repayment of draws on the facility shall not be subordinated to the claims of investors other than to claims arising in respect of interest rate or currency derivative contracts, fees or other such payments, nor be subject to waiver or deferral;
It shall not be possible for the facility to be drawn after all applicable credit enhancements from which the liquidity facility would benefit are exhausted; and
The facility must include a provision that results in an automatic reduction in the amount that can be drawn by the amount of exposures that are in default, where ‘default’ has the meaning given to it under Articles 84 to 89, or where the pool of securitised exposures consists of rated instruments, that terminates the facility if the average quality of the pool falls below investment grade.
The risk weight to be applied shall be the highest risk weight that would be applied to any of the securitised exposures under Articles 78 to 83 by a credit institution holding the exposures.
2.4.2.Liquidity facilities that may be drawn only in the event of a general market disruption
14.To determine its exposure value, a conversion figure of 0 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility that may be drawn only in the event of a general market disruption (i.e. where more than one SPE across different transactions are unable to roll over maturing commercial paper and that inability is not the result of an impairment of the SPE's credit quality or of the credit quality of the securitised exposures), provided that the conditions set out in point 13 are satisfied.
2.4.3.Cash advance facilities
15.To determine its exposure value, a conversion figure of 0 % may be applied to the nominal amount of a liquidity facility that is unconditionally cancellable provided that the conditions set out at point 13 are satisfied and that repayment of draws on the facility are senior to any other claims on the cash flows arising from the securitised exposures.
2.5.Additional capital requirements for securitisations of revolving exposures with early amortisation provisions
16.In addition to the risk-weighted exposure amounts calculated in respect of its securitisation positions, an originator credit institution shall calculate a risk-weighted exposure amount according to the method set out in points 17 to 33 when it sells revolving exposures into a securitisation that contains an early amortisation provision.
17.The credit institution shall calculate a risk-weighted exposure amount in respect of the sum of the originator's interest and the investors' interest.
18.For securitisation structures where the securitised exposures comprise revolving and non-revolving exposures, an originator credit institution shall apply the treatment set out in point 19 to 31 to that portion of the underlying pool containing revolving exposures.
19.For the purposes of point 16 to 31, ‘originator's interest’ means the exposure value of that notional Part of a pool of drawn amounts sold into a securitisation, the proportion of which in relation to the amount of the total pool sold into the structure determines the proportion of the cash flows generated by principal and interest collections and other associated amounts which are not available to make payments to those having securitisation positions in the securitisation.
To qualify as such, the originator's interest may not be subordinate to the investors' interest.
‘Investors' interest’ means the exposure value of the remaining notional Part of the pool of drawn amounts.
20.The exposure of the originator credit institution, associated with its rights in respect of the originator's interest, shall not be considered a securitisation position but as a pro rata exposure to the securitised exposures as if they had not been securitised.
2.5.1.Exemptions from early amortisation treatment
21.Originators of the following types of securitisation are exempt from the capital requirement in point 16:
securitisations of revolving exposures whereby investors remain fully exposed to all future draws by borrowers so that the risk on the underlying facilities does not return to the originator credit institution even after an early amortisation event has occurred, and
securitisations where any early amortisation provision is solely triggered by events not related to the performance of the securitised assets or the originator credit institution, such as material changes in tax laws or regulations.
2.5.2.Maximum capital requirement
22.For an originator credit institution subject to the capital requirement in point 16 the total of the risk-weighted exposure amounts in respect of its positions in the investors' interest and the risk-weighted exposure amounts calculated under point 16 shall be no greater than the greater of:
the risk-weighted exposure amounts calculated in respect of its positions in the investors' interest; and
the risk-weighted exposure amounts that would be calculated in respect of the securitised exposures by a credit institution holding the exposures as if they had not been securitised in an amount equal to the investors' interest.
23.Deduction of net gains, if any, arising from the capitalisation of future income required under Article 57, shall be treated outside the maximum amount indicated in point 22.
2.5.3.Calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts
24.The risk-weighted exposure amount to be calculated in accordance with point 16 shall be determined by multiplying the amount of the investors' interest by the product of the appropriate conversion figure as indicated in points 26 to 33 and the weighted average risk weight that would apply to the securitised exposures if the exposures had not been securitised.
25.An early amortisation provision shall be considered to be ‘controlled’ where the following conditions are met:
the originator credit institution has an appropriate capital/liquidity plan in place to ensure that it has sufficient capital and liquidity available in the event of an early amortisation;
throughout the duration of the transaction there is pro-rata sharing between the originator's interest and the investor's interest of payments of interest and principal, expenses, losses and recoveries based on the balance of receivables outstanding at one or more reference points during each month;
the amortisation period is considered sufficient for 90 % of the total debt (originator's and investors' interest) outstanding at the beginning of the early amortisation period to have been repaid or recognised as in default; and
the speed of repayment is no more rapid than would be achieved by straight-line amortisation over the period set out in point (c).
26.In the case of securitisations subject to an early amortisation provision of retail exposures which are uncommitted and unconditionally cancellable without prior notice, where the early amortisation is triggered by the excess spread level falling to a specified level, credit institutions shall compare the three-month average excess spread level with the excess spread levels at which excess spread is required to be trapped.
27.Where the securitisation does not require excess spread to be trapped, the trapping point is deemed to be 4,5 percentage points greater than the excess spread level at which an early amortisation is triggered.
28.The conversion figure to be applied shall be determined by the level of the actual three month average excess spread in accordance with Table 3.
Table 3
| Securitisations subject to a controlled early amortisation provision | Securitisations subject to a non-controlled early amortisation provision |
3 months average excess spread
| Conversion figure
| Conversion figure
Above level A
| 0 %
| 0 %
Level A
| 1 %
| 5 %
Level B
| 2 %
| 15 %
Level C
| 10 %
| 50 %
Level D
| 20 %
| 100 %
Level E
| 40 %
| 100 %
29.In Table 3, ‘Level A’ means levels of excess spread less than 133,33 % of the trapping level of excess spread but not less than 100 % of that trapping level, ‘Level B’ means levels of excess spread less than 100 % of the trapping level of excess spread but not less than 75 % of that trapping level, ‘Level C’ means levels of excess spread less than 75 % of the trapping level of excess spread but not less than 50 % of that trapping level, ‘Level D’ means levels of excess spread less than 50 % of the trapping level of excess spread but not less than 25 % of that trapping level and ‘Level E’ means levels of excess spread less than 25 % of the trapping level of excess spread.
30.In the case of securitisations subject to an early amortisation provision of retail exposures which are uncommitted and unconditionally cancellable without prior notice and where the early amortisation is triggered by a quantitative value in respect of something other than the three months average excess spread, the competent authorities may apply a treatment which approximates closely to that prescribed in points 26 to 29 for determining the conversion figure indicated.
31.Where a competent authority intends to apply a treatment in accordance with point 30 in respect of a particular securitisation, it shall first inform the relevant competent authorities of all the other Member States. Before the application of such a treatment becomes Part of the general policy approach of the competent authority to securitisations containing early amortisation clauses of the type in question, the competent authority shall consult the relevant competent authorities of all the other Member States and take into consideration the views expressed. The views expressed in such consultation and the treatment applied shall be publicly disclosed by the competent authority in question.
32.All other securitisations subject to a controlled early amortisation provision of revolving exposures shall be subject to a conversion figure of 90 %.
33.All other securitisations subject to a non-controlled early amortisation provision of revolving exposures shall be subject to a conversion figure of 100 %.
2.6.Recognition of credit risk mitigation on securitisation positions
34.Where credit protection is obtained on a securitisation position, the calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts may be modified in accordance with Annex VIII.
2.7.Reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts
35.As provided in Article 66(2), in respect of a securitisation position in respect of which a 1 250 % risk weight is assigned, credit institutions may, as an alternative to including the position in their calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts, deduct from own funds the exposure value of the position. For these purposes, the calculation of the exposure value may reflect eligible funded credit protection in a manner consistent with point 34.
36.Where a credit institution makes use of the alternative indicated in point 35, 12,5 times the amount deducted in accordance with that point shall, for the purposes of point 8, be subtracted from the amount specified in point 8 as the maximum risk-weighted exposure amount to be calculated by the credit institutions there indicated.
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