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Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/51Show full title

Council Decision (CFSP) 2016/51 of 18 January 2016 in support of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in the framework of the EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

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1.1. Project 1: Support for BTWC universalisation

1.1.1. Project purpose

To promote universal adherence to the BTWC by encouraging States not party to the BTWC better to understand the benefits of joining the BTWC and getting more involved in BTWC meetings and other activities. This project will support the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Seventh Review Conference concerning universalisation of the BTWC.

1.1.2. Expected results of the project

Increased adherence to the BTWC in all geographic regions;


Enhanced understanding of the BTWC among the relevant national authorities, including parliamentarians, and/or strengthened sub-regional networking concerning the BTWC in order to promote membership and implementation of the BTWC;


An increased number of States which have committed to joining the BTWC and which are taking steps to that end;


An increased number of States not party to the BTWC engaging in BTWC activities and meetings;


Voluntary implementation of the BTWC by States prior to their accession thereto.

1.1.3. Project description

The BTWC Review Conferences have regularly asserted that increasing the membership of the BTWC is of great importance. However, there are still 24 States not party to the BTWC, mostly in Africa and the Pacific. This project therefore involves specific programmes to target those States. The programmes would work closely with other relevant actors, including the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 Committee, the CBRN Centres of Excellence and civil society organisations (e.g. VERTIC and the Institute for Security Studies) to develop ongoing working relationships with relevant regional and sub-regional bodies, provide tailored informational materials where necessary and engage directly with States in the targeted region.

A number of in-country universalisation activities will be conducted at the request of States not party to the BTWC, starting with those which are close to BTWC membership. Those activities would build on the discussions and outcomes from previous regional workshops, transferring them to a national context, and be tailored to national circumstances. They would involve the preparation of a universalisation work plan for each State involved, with the involvement of national stakeholders. If possible and appropriate, those visits could be a joint activity between States with ongoing close cooperation and similar national circumstances. Focus areas for the activities will be the provision of specific informational materials on the benefits of joining the BTWC, awareness-raising among national stakeholders, including parliamentarians and other political decision makers, the establishment of national coordination, and sponsorship for key individuals to attend BTWC meetings or other relevant events.

1.2. Project 2: Interaction with non-governmental stakeholders on science and technology

1.2.1. Project purpose

To enhance the interaction between the BTWC process and non-governmental stakeholders, such as the scientific community and industry, through the organisation of regional workshops on scientific and technological issues and on biosafety and biosecurity in the run up to the Eighth Review Conference. This project would furthermore directly engage scientists and biosafety professionals in developing countries in order to raise awareness of the BTWC, to develop capacities for more effective implementation of the BTWC and to facilitate international cooperation for peaceful purposes.

1.2.2. Expected results of the project

Increased awareness among the scientific community of the BTWC and industry, and related issues and increased involvement of the scientific community and national and regional scientific, professional and industrial associations in BTWC implementation;


A broader and deeper understanding of the relevance of scientific and technological issues to the implementation of the BTWC among national policymakers and officials;


Constructive input into the consideration of the standing agenda item on science and technology at BTWC meetings, as well as input into consideration by the Eighth Review Conference of ways in which to strengthen reviews of scientific and technological developments relevant to the BTWC;


Increased interaction between the scientific community, academia, research organisations, professional associations, industry and regulatory agencies and policymakers at a national and regional level and enhanced input into reviews of scientific and technological developments relevant to the BTWC;


Promotion of linkages with other multilateral and regional initiatives in the area of science and technology; and


Increased international cooperation on scientific and technological issues that could support capacity building in developing countries in areas of relevance to the BTWC, particularly Articles VII and X, such as detection, diagnosis and prevention of disease outbreaks, vaccines, therapeutics, analytical methods, preparedness and response.

1.2.3. Project description and implementation

A maximum of five workshops, organised in collaboration with global and regional scientific associations, industry (represented by global or regional relevant industrial federations and professional associations such as biosafety-associations) and academic experts, would focus on the topics identified under the standing agenda item on science and technology and its impact on biosafety and biosecurity, and would encourage a regional dialogue on such issues while at the same time raising awareness amongst the scientific and professional community within the regions. Such workshops will, as appropriate, be convened adjacent to relevant scientific conferences or biosafety conferences to maximise outreach possibilities and to minimise costs. A key element of these workshops will be active participation by scientists and regulatory professionals from developing countries, which will require sponsorship. To further sustain the engagement of the aforementioned stakeholders, small grants will be made available in order for them to conduct subsequent research leading to publications on topics discussed at the workshops.

The sustainability of this project will be addressed through the establishment of a virtual network of experts drawn from participants in the workshops. Such experts could also be included on national delegations to BTWC meetings and could contribute to the review of scientific and technological developments.

1.3. Project 3: Capacity development for BTWC implementation

1.3.1. Project purpose

The Seventh Review Conference reaffirmed that the enactment and implementation of necessary national measures would strengthen the effectiveness of the BTWC. The Conference called upon States Parties to adopt legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures, including awareness-raising and codes of conduct, designed to enhance domestic implementation of the BTWC and to ensure the safety and security of microbial or other biological agents or toxins. Based on experiences gained through Joint Action 2008/858/CFSP and Council Decision 2012/421/CFSP, extended national BTWC implementation assistance programmes will be provided to a maximum of eight countries.

1.3.2. Expected results of the project

The adoption of appropriate legislative or administrative measures, including criminal law provisions, which encompass the full scope of the prohibitions and preventive measures provided for in the BTWC and elaborated by the Seventh Review Conference;


Effective implementation and enforcement to prevent violations of the BTWC and to impose sanctions in cases of breaches;


Better coordination and networking among all stakeholders involved in the BTWC process, including national and regional bio-safety associations, parliamentarians and the private sector, in order to promote effective implementation;


Promotion of awareness-raising programmes, codes of conduct and standards for bio-safety and bio-security;


The creation or enhancement of national mechanisms for the compilation of the required information and for the annual submissions of CBMs;


An increased number of States Parties participating in the CBM exchange on a regular basis and an increased quality of the information submitted;


An increase in the number of States Parties submitting their CBM returns electronically;


An increase in the number of States Parties actively contributing to the review of developments in science and technology in the framework of the BTWC;


Increased scientific collaboration among countries in areas relevant to the BTWC; and


Improved technical competence and understanding by scientists from developing countries participating in such programmes.

1.3.3. Project description

Each programme will run for approximately 12 months, involving participation by EU delegations and CBRN Centres of Excellence in beneficiary countries, and the UN regional disarmament centres where appropriate, and will comprise:


an initial national workshop, to gather all the relevant domestic agencies and stakeholders, to introduce the BTWC, to identify motivated and reliable local partners, and to make an initial assessment of needs and priorities;


use of the existing CBM-guide and the National Implementation Guide, and appropriate information or e-training for BTWC points of contact on how to use the electronic platform, when the latter is operational;


the development of a structured Action Plan, tailored for the beneficiary country, that would involve visits and/or workshops by various assistance providers over the duration of the programme, as well as training provided in EU Member States or elsewhere;


the execution of the Action Plan, with assistance providers conducting the respective assistance activities (e.g. drafting of legislation, bio-safety/bio-security training, dual use export control, CBM preparation and submission, police training, awareness-raising for scientists, emergency response planning, etc.); and


a wrap-up workshop following the conclusion of the activities, where the threads will be drawn together, agencies will report on their activities and progress, and any needs for further or continuing assistance will be assessed.

To ensure efficient and productive assistance, a workshop for EU experts assisting beneficiary countries under this project will be organised with the objective of discussing best practices and appropriate preparations for assistance activities.

1.4. Project 4: Support for the intersessional programme and preparations for the Eighth Review Conference

1.4.1. Project purpose

This programme focuses on mobilising BTWC States Parties for active participation in the Eighth Review Conference through organising regional/sub-regional workshops and offering opportunities to reflect on and discuss key topics of the 2012-2015 inter-sessional programme.

It also includes practical support for topics which have been discussed during the intersessional programme, such as Article VII and the concept of a peer review mechanism.

1.4.2. Expected results of the project

Increased awareness of the BTWC and the Eighth Review Conference in 2016 and its significance for the future evolution of the BTWC;


Comprehensive and cross-regional dialogue on issues to be considered at the Eighth Review Conference;


The development of a number of proposals for new initiatives to be implemented after the Eighth Review Conference, and broad support for their adoption by the Eighth Review Conference;


The further elaboration of the concept of a peer review mechanism in the framework of the BTWC. Support could be given, for instance, to the organisation of one or several such exercises in third countries and the identification of useful lessons to be learnt regarding the relevance of the concept; and


The identification of lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa which are relevant to implementation of Articles VII and X of the BTWC.

1.4.3. Project description

A series of regional/sub-regional workshops will be organised to address the topics of the 2012-2015 inter-sessional programme and to help the President of the next Review Conference ahead of and during the Eighth Review Conference, with a view to the future evolution of the BTWC, and will have as their objective to facilitate common understandings on a regional/sub-regional basis by discussing proposals for moving issues forward. Such workshops could take place adjacent to the science and technology workshops described above to take maximum advantage of resources and experts and to encourage dialogue and interaction among scientists, irrespective of their institutional affiliation, and policymakers. Events will also be organised in Geneva as appropriate. Therefore these workshops should also aim at the participation of scientists and representatives from industry and professional associations. It would encourage the formation of a broad constituency of States Parties in favour of the incremental strengthening of the BTWC. A Sponsorship programme would be linked with the workshops, to enable participants from developing States Parties to attend the workshops and the Eighth Review Conference. In this context it can be examined how sponsored participants could be connected with members of delegations of EU Member States during BTWC meetings.

Consideration of how to operationalise Article VII of the BTWC would be valuable, taking into account the wealth of experience being generated by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A lessons-learned study will be undertaken focusing on the implications of the outbreak and the international response thereto for the implementation of Article VII of the BTWC, but also covering aspects of relevance to Article X in terms of scientific cooperation and the development of therapeutics and vaccines. A report will be produced for consideration by States Parties in their preparations for the Eighth Review Conference.

At least one exercise among interested States Parties of the peer review mechanism will be undertaken in order to broaden support for this concept and to further explore the relevance of the concept. The exercise will build upon the exercise conducted in France in 2013, and that conducted by the BENELUX countries in 2015, with a view to producing a report for the consideration of States Parties in advance of the Eighth Review Conference. A study will also be made of how to make the provisions of Article V of the BTWC regarding consultation among States Parties more effective.

1.5. Project 5: Support to the UN Secretary-General's Mechanism

1.5.1. Project purpose

To support strengthening of the United Nations Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological and Toxin Weapons (SGM).

1.5.2. Expected results of the project

Strengthening the preparedness of the SGM, including activities pursuant to the outcomes of the lessons-learned exercise for the 2013 UN Investigation Mission in Syria:


expanded roster of trained experts (basic and specialised training events — estimated three training courses convened);


convene inaugural meeting of SGM stakeholders (one meeting): meeting to serve as an intra- and inter-organisational mechanism for cooperation, including when the SGM is not activated, to assess and further strengthen the SGM on a regular basis;


cross-organisational training events: coorganised trainings by the UN and other international organisations to utilise and better coordinate existing resources and best practices in order to maximise efficiency and avoid duplication of efforts (estimated two training events convened).

1.5.3. Project description

In addition to the continuation of support provided to regular basic and specialised training courses offered to experts nominated to the SGM Roster, there are several SGM-related events that can be identified as important activities under this project. Activities aimed at implementing, inter alia, the above-referenced conclusions of the lessons-learned exercise from the UN Mission in Syria and thereby strengthening the SGM over the long-term, are of particular importance in this regard.

1.6. Project 6: Enabling tools for awareness-raising, education and engagement

1.6.1. Project purpose

To produce concrete and practical tools, materials and approaches to enable the activities described in the projects above. Such tools will be produced in formats appropriate to their audiences, including printed versions, and will, in general, require translation to all official languages of the United Nations. To promote the use of the tools which were produced during the former EU-actions: the CBM-guide and the national implementation guide.

1.6.2. Expected results of the project

Support to the projects described above;


Increased awareness of the issues of biological weapons, responsible conduct of science, and ethical issues among students and their teachers;


Wide dissemination of informational materials about the BTWC and the wider issues relating to the potential misuse of biology.

1.6.3. Project description

A number of projects can already be identified, while others will emerge once the project is underway. In the former category for example, is the production of a web-based educational resource and educational materials for university students and/or secondary school biology students and teachers. The utilisation of techniques such as active learning and blended learning will be important here, as will coordination with existing initiatives such as the work undertaken by the University of Bradford in cooperation with other partners. Translation of the BTWC website and materials produced under this and earlier Council Decisions is also an identifiable and necessary project.

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