Parliamentary History
9.The following is a list of the proceedings in the Scottish Parliament on the Bill for the Act and significant documents connected to the Act published by the Parliament during the Bill’s parliamentary passage.
Proceedings and reports | Reference |
Bill as Introduced (7 November 2023) | SP BILL 37 (Session 6 (2023)) |
Policy Memorandum (7 November 2023) | SP BILL 37 - PM (Session 6 (2023)) |
Explanatory Notes (7 November 2023) | SP BILL 37 - EN (Session 6 (2023)) |
Financial Memorandum (7 November 2023) | SP BILL 37 - FM (Session 6 (2023)) |
Statements on Legislative Competence (7 November 2023) | SP BILL 37 - LC (Session 6 (2023)) |
SPICe Briefing on the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (1 February 2024) | Sb 24-06 |
STAGE 1 | |
Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee | |
Consideration in private (12 December 2023) | Minute of proceedings (12 December 2023) |
Consideration in private (6 February 2024) | Minute of proceedings (6 February 2024) |
Evidence session (20 February 2024) | Minute of proceedings (20 February 2024) |
Consideration in private (5 March 2024) | Minute of proceedings (5 March 2024) |
Stage 1 report (15 March 2024) | SP Paper 552, 2nd Report, 2024 (Session 6) |
Whole Parliament | |
Stage 1 debate (26 March 2024) | Col 30-41 |
STAGE 2 | |
Stage 2 debate (30 April 2024) | Col 43 |
Stage 3 | |
Stage 3 debate (20 June 2024) | Col 78 - 87 |
Bill as passed – No amendments were submitted at Stage 2 or Stage 3. The Bill as introduced is the final version of the Bill. | SP Bill 37 (Session 6 (2024)) |
Royal Assent | |
Royal Assent (1 August 2024) | 2024 asp 12 |