Listed buildings and conservation areas: consents
129.The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 (“the 1997 Act”) requires listed building consent for works to listed buildings and conservation area consent for the demolition of buildings within conservation areas.
130.Paragraph 2(2) and (3) amends section 16 of the 1997 Act to extend the duration of a listed building consent or a conservation area consent that would otherwise lapse during the emergency period because works authorised by the consent have not begun. The emergency period is the period beginning with the coming into force of these provisions and ending on 6 October 2020. The changes made to section 16 apply to conservation area consent by virtue of section 66(3) of the 1997 Act. Consents to which the provision applies will instead lapse at the end of an extended period (which ends on 6 April 2021) unless works have commenced before the end of the extended period.
131.Paragraph 2(3) enables the Scottish Ministers to make regulations to amend the definition of the emergency and extended periods.