Amendment of schedule 2, part 2
104.Part 2 of schedule 2 to the 2003 Act concerns the organisation and administration of the Tribunal. In particular paragraph 7(4) of schedule 2 provides that the convenor of proceedings before the Tribunal in relation to a patient subject to a compulsion order and a restriction order, a hospital direction (HD) or a transfer for treatment direction (TTD), must be the President of the Tribunal or a member of the Tribunal who serves as a sheriff convenor, unless those proceedings relate solely to the appointment of a named person in respect of the patient, under section 255 and 257 of the 2003 Act.
105.Section 35 amends paragraph 7 to provide, for proceedings relating to an application for a compulsory treatment order (CTO) in respect of a patient subject to a TTD or an HD, that the convenor does not have to be the President, or a member of the Tribunal who serves as a sheriff convenor. This is in addition to the existing exception for proceedings relating solely to the appointment of named persons.
106.The effect of this amendment is that the default provision in sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 7 will apply to proceedings relating to an application for a CTO in respect of patients subject to a TTD or an HD, with the result that the convenor of the Tribunal will have to be either the President or a legal member selected from the panel mentioned in paragraph (1)(1)(a) of Schedule 2.