Summary of the interim Scottish Welfare Fund
5.The interim SWF aims to—
provide a safety net in an emergency when there is an immediate threat to health and safety through the provision of a non-repayable grant which is known as a Crisis Grant (CG); and
enable people to live independently, or to continue to live independently, preventing the need for institutional care, through the provision of a non-repayable grant which is known as a Community Care Grant (CCG). This includes providing assistance to families facing exceptional pressures. For example where there has been a breakdown in family relationships, perhaps involving domestic violence, which is resulting in a move.
6.CGs are awarded to meet expenses that have arisen as a result of an emergency or disaster in order to avoid serious damage or serious risk to the health or safety of the applicant or their family.
7.CCGs are awarded to—
help people establish themselves in the community following a period of care where circumstances indicate that there is a risk of the person not being able to live independently without this help;
help people remain in the community rather than going into care where circumstances indicate that there is a risk of the person not being able to live independently without this help;
help people set up home in the community, as part of a planned resettlement programme, following an unsettled way of life;
help families facing exceptional pressures, such as the breakdown of a relationship, or repair and replacement of items damaged by behavioural problems within the family; and
help people to care for a prisoner or young offender who is living with them on release on temporary licence.
8.The interim SWF is aimed at supporting people on low incomes. Some of the main users of the interim SWF are—
disabled people
lone parents
unemployed people
older people
care leavers
homeless people
9.The interim SWF operates on a discretionary, budget-limited basis, with applications being prioritised according to need. Local authorities are expected to manage expenditure in such a way as to ensure effective budgetary management of funds over the financial year. They are able to supplement funding from the Scottish Ministers, but are not obliged to do so. The intention is for the funds to link to other local services and provide a better service to vulnerable members of the local community. The most common services that applicants are signposted or referred to are advocacy, welfare rights, housing and money or debt management.
10.The interim SWF was designed to take advantage of local delivery, while maintaining a national character. The Scottish Government has sought to standardise the decision making and notification process for the interim SWF by providing comprehensive guidance, a standard application form, a guide for decision makers and model documentation. In addition to this a national training programme and funding for a dedicated Development Officer, based in COSLA, in order to promote consistency and support implementation has been provided by the Scottish Government. However, local authorities have full discretion over local arrangements for delivery i.e. the arrangements for taking and processing applications and the arrangements for paying grants or fulfilling them by other means. This allows local authorities to align the SWF with other relevant services, make effective links with local organisations and to ensure that their delivery meets local needs, for example in terms of geography.