Section 28 – Health funding: further provision
80.Section 28 deals with how budgets for services provided in large hospitals are to be used in planning for the delivery of services using the health and social care resources to best meet the needs of the population. Health Boards are required to identify and set aside amounts which relate to services provided in large hospitals which are included in the delegated functions, where such amounts are not included in the payments to the integration authority. Subsection (2) gives the integration authority the power to direct the use of this amount by the Health Board in line with the strategic plan.
81.Subsections (3) and (4) deal with situations where there is a difference between actual costs and those set out in the direction. Where the amount spent in relation to services delivered in a large hospital is less than the amount set out in the direction, subsection (3) allows the integration authority to require that the Health Board make payment to it for the unused amount. Where the amount spent in relation to services delivered in a large hospital is greater than had been determined in the strategic plan, subsection (4) allows the Health Board to require that the integration authority make payment to it for the additional amount spent. Subsections (5) and (6) require that the Health Board provides the integration authority with information relating to the amounts set aside.