Section 180 – Time limit for assessment of penalties under Chapter 2
217.This section provides that assessment of a penalty due to a failure to make a return or pay tax must be made on or before the later of one of these two dates:
two years from the filing date (in the case of a failure to make a return) or the last date on which payment may be made without paying a penalty (in the case of failing to pay tax); or
for a failure to make a tax return:
12 months from either the end of the appeal period for the assessment of the liability to pay tax or, if there is no such assessment, 12 months from the date on which that liability is ascertained or that it is ascertained the liability is nil.
for a failure to pay tax:
12 months from either the end of the appeal period for the assessment of the liability to pay tax or, if there is no such assessment, 12 months from the date on which the amount of tax was ascertained.