Duties of registered letting agents
98.Section 36 requires the Scottish Ministers to allocate a number to each registered letting agent. Registered letting agents must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the number is included in documents sent to landlords or tenants (prospective or current), advertisements and communications, and any other material that the Scottish Ministers may specify by order. Subsection (3) defines “advertisement” and “communication”.
99.Section 37 places a duty on the registered letting agent to notify the Scottish Ministers in writing, as soon as practicable, if any of the information supplied in the application has become inaccurate due to a change in circumstances. Subsection (3) requires that any notification must be accompanied by such fee as the Scottish Ministers may determine by regulations, and subsection (3) provides a power for the Scottish Ministers to set that fee. Subsection (4) makes it an offence to fail to comply with this duty to inform.