Miscellaneous procedure
Section 55 – Process for permission
200.Section 55(1) enables the Scottish Ministers, by regulations, to specify time limits within which permission to appeal must be sought.
201.Section 55(2) provides that a decision of the First-tier Tribunal or the Upper Tribunal to refuse permission to appeal a decision of the First-tier Tribunal to the Upper Tribunal cannot be the subject of review or appeal under the Act. Similarly, a decision of the Upper Tribunal to refuse permission to appeal a decision of the Upper Tribunal to the Court of Session cannot be reviewed or appealed under the Act.
Section 56 – Participation of non-parties
202.It is only a party in a case who can apply for a review of a Tribunal decision under section 43 or appeal a Tribunal decision under section 46 or 48. Section 56(2) enables the Scottish Ministers, by regulations, to make provision so that persons falling within a specified description can be regarded as a party to a case for the purposes of sections 43, 46 and 48.