Section 5 – Transitional provisions
20.Section 5 of the Act includes transitional provisions to provide for the period between the Bill being enacted and coming into force and the first appointments being made under the Act.
21.Section 5(1) states that any individuals who were appointed under those provisions of the 1935 Order which are now being repealed are not removed from office as a result of these repeals. Any president, vice-president, or co-opted trustee who is presently in office will, therefore, remain in office until the first Annual General Meeting of the Trust held after the Bill has been enacted and has come into force, at which point new appointments will be made under its provisions.
22.Section 5(2) removes the status of charity trustee from the current president and any vice-presidents immediately upon the Bill being enacted and coming into force, rather than this change only coming into effect when new appointments are made under its provisions.