Section 48 – Inspections reports: compliance
76.This section requires reservoir managers to comply with the directions in the inspection report (either themselves or by ensuring that the measures are taken). Subsection (2) enables the reservoir manager to appoint any “other qualified engineer” who is an engineer eligible to be an inspecting engineer. That “other qualified engineer” can be appointed to supervise any of the measures specified in the inspection report. If an appointment is made the reservoir manager must notify SEPA and the inspecting engineer as soon as practicable after making the appointment. Subsection (3) requires the inspecting engineer or the other qualified engineer to issue interim compliance inspection certificates for completed measures they are responsible for supervising to the reservoir manager within 28 days of being satisfied they have been completed.
77.Subsection (4) lists the things that are to be included in an interim inspection compliance certificate. When the inspecting engineer or other qualified engineer is satisfied all of the measures have been completed, subsection (5) requires him or her to issue the reservoir manager with an inspection compliance certificate within 28 days. Subsection (6) requires the engineer issuing an inspection compliance certificate to take an interim inspection compliance certificate as conclusive of the measure having been taken. Subsection (7) lists the things which must be included in an inspection compliance certificate. Subsection (8) requires the engineer to give a copy of the certificates under this section to SEPA within 28 days of issue. Subsection (9) makes it clear that measures for the maintenance of the reservoir to be taken in the interests of safety do not require interim inspection compliance certificates and do not need to be taken into account in the inspection compliance certificate.