Section 5 – Access to register: additional information
12.Information on registered private landlords and their properties is held on a register maintained by the local authority for the area where each property is located. Public access to the register is restricted to prevent misuse. To help protect tenants section 5 of the Act provides two additional categories of information to be made available to the public. Subsection (1) amends section 88A(1) of the 2004 Act to make available information on whether a registration application has been made but not yet determined; and whether a person was refused entry to, or removed from, the register as being not fit and proper to act as a landlord or because the person’s agent was found to be not fit and proper. Subsection (2) inserts a new section 92ZA into the 2004 Act. This requires a local authority to note in its register the fact that a person was refused entry to, or removed from, the register as being not fit and proper to act as a landlord, or because the person’s agent was found to be not fit and proper. This note must be made when the appeal procedure has been exhausted and must be removed after 12 months or sooner if the person is subsequently registered.