Rule 58 – Correcting an award Default
203.Rule 58 is a default rule which gives arbitrators a power to correct certain defects in any final award they make. This rule applies to part awards and provisional awards as it applies to final awards. Rule 58 provides a procedure for such corrections.
204.Rule 58(2) provides that the tribunal may on its own initiative or on the application of a party make a correction. Rule 58(8) provides that a corrected award should be treated as though it had been in corrected form on the date it first took effect. While there is a risk that parties may implement awards which are corrected, the parties will be on notice that this can happen, and this possibility is time limited (see rule 58(4) and (6)). In rule 58(4) the ability of the Outer House or sheriff to extend time limits for correcting an award is final. When a party applies for correction, rule 58(3) means that they are obliged to send a copy of the application to the other party, which will give the other party warning.
205.Rule 58(7) provides that where a correction has, in the judgement of the tribunal, a consequential effect on another part of the corrected award or any other award, whether on some part of the substance of the dispute, or on expenses or interest, the tribunal may make consequential correction of that award.