Section 35 – Local flood risk management plans: publicity and consultation
123.Subsection (1) requires the lead authority to publish a draft of the supplementary part of the local flood risk management plan at least one year before the beginning of the period covered by the relevant flood risk management plan, or by such other date as the Scottish Ministers may direct. This is the same as the deadline for publication of draft flood risk management plans under section 30(2). Subsection (2) gives the lead authority discretion to determine the manner in which the draft plan is to be published.
124.Subsection (3) requires the lead authority to publicise the arrangements for making the draft publicly available, and the opportunities to make representations about it. The lead authority is also required to make copies of the supplementary part available for inspection for at least 3 months. These requirements should be read with sections 53 and 54. Subsection (4) allows any person to make representations to the lead authority about the draft supplementary part.
125.Subsection (5) requires the lead authority to consult specific persons on the draft of the supplementary part and the implementation part of the plan and to take steps to encourage those persons to participate in preparing the plan. Subsection (6) lists the persons who must be consulted. The list includes every responsible authority with functions exercisable in the local plan district, Scottish Natural Heritage, National Park Authorities, category 1 responders which have functions exercisable in or in relation to the district and any other persons the lead authority consider appropriate. Responsible authorities are defined in section 5 and include Scottish Water and local authorities. Category 1 responders are defined in section 95 by reference to the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
126.Subsections (7) and (9) make provision for the coordination of the consultation exercises for local flood risk management plans and flood risk management plans prepared by SEPA under section 27. Subsection (7) requires the lead authority to co-ordinate its consultation exercise, as set out in subsections (1) to (6) with the consultation undertaken by SEPA in relation to the flood risk management plan, as set out in section 30(2) to (4). Subsection (9) requires the lead authority to inform SEPA of any views received on the local plan which it considers relevant to the flood risk management plan.
127.Subsection (8) requires the lead authority to take into account any views or representations received on both the supplementary part and on the implementation part before finalising a local flood risk management plan.