Short title and commencement
199.Section 100 provides that all of the provisions of the Act, except section 100 itself, sections 27 to 32 and 56 (relating to the powers and duties of the advisory body), 70 (relating to permitted development rights in relation to air source heat pumps and micro wind turbines in domestic properties) and 96(subordinate legislation), are to come into force on a day set by the Scottish Ministers by order. Sections 44 to 52 must be commenced no later than 18 months after Royal Assent.
200.Sections 27 to 32 and 56 come into force in accordance with section 26 (i.e. when an order designating the advisory body is made under section 24). Section 70 comes into force on the day after Royal Assent. As the Act is silent as to a particular day for the coming into force of sections 96 and 100, these come into force on the day of Royal Assent. Section 100 also specifies the short title of the Act.