Rule 59: Enhancement of initial partner’s pension
244.Rule 59 provides for an enhancement of a partner’s pension for three months following the death of a participating member or pensioner to the level of income the member was receiving at that time, in order to give the partner time to adjust financially to the loss of the partner’s income.
245.Rule 59(1) and (4) provide that the amount payable for any part of the three month period is increased where the amount A determined by rule 59(2) is less than the amount B determined by rule 59(3).
246.The amount A in rule 59(2) is the amount of pension that is due to be paid to the surviving partner during the three month period. To that amount is added any children’s pension to be paid to that partner for the benefit of an eligible child during that period.
247.Amount B in rule 59(3) depends upon whether the deceased was a participating member (i.e. a serving MSP or office-holder) or a scheme pensioner at the time of their death. If a scheme member then B is the salary they would have received during the three month period. If a scheme pensioner, B is the amount of scheme pension they would have received during that period.
248.Under rule 59(4) the partner’s pension is increased during the three month period by the difference between amount A and amount B.
249.Rule 59(5) sets out how a participating member who is also a scheme pensioner (whose pension payments are suspended under rule 41 on becoming an MSP or the holder of a pensionable office) is to be treated for the purposes of rule 59. Such a member is to be treated as a participating member for the purposes of this rule.