Execution of interim attachment
New section 9F – Execution of interim attachment
537.Section 9F(1) applies sections 12, 13, 15 and 17 (subject to modifications and not section 17(3)(b) and (4)) of the 2002 Act to the execution of interim attachment. Section 12 states on which days, and during which times, it is not competent to execute an attachment. Section 13 allows a judicial officer, when executing an attachment, to assume that articles are owned by the debtor, although the officer is required to enquire as to ownership when attaching articles. Section 15 allows an officer executing an attachment to open shut and lockfast places and requires the officer to value articles attached (or arrange for their valuation). Section 17 requires the officer to make a report of the attachment to the court.
538.Subsection (2) requires the judicial officer, immediately after executing an interim attachment, to serve a schedule of interim attachment on the debtor. Subsection (3) makes further provision in relation to the schedule which should be in accordance with the form prescribed in court rules, should be signed by the officer and should specify the attached articles and their value so far as ascertainable. By virtue of subsection (4), the judicial officer is obliged to provide the debtor with a copy of the schedule of interim attachment or, where that is not practicable, to give a copy of it to a person who is present at the location of the interim attachment. Alternatively, where there is no such person, the officer must leave a copy of the schedule at that location.
539.Subsection (5) makes it clear that references elsewhere in Part 1A of the 2002 Act to the day on which an interim attachment is executed are references to the day on which the schedule of interim attachment is given to the debtor, to a person present or left at the premises where the interim attachment was executed by a judicial officer.