Section 74 – Appeals from decisions under sections 58, 68 and 72
227.Section 74 provides that appeals against decisions of the Commission and the disciplinary committee may be made to the Inner House of the Court of Session. The decisions which may be appealed are decisions of the Commission not to recommend that the Lord President grants a person a commission as a judicial officer (section 58(1)), orders of the disciplinary committee suspending the officer from practice pending the outcome of disciplinary or criminal proceedings or extending such a suspension (section 68) and orders made under section 72 suspending an officer, recommending an officer be deprived of office, censuring an officer, restricting an officer’s functions or activities, imposing a fine on an officer or requiring an officer to repay fees and outlays. The decision of the Inner House on an appeal is final. Procedures relating to appeals are to be prescribed by Court of Session rules.