Section 23 – Exemption from certain offences
62.Section 23(1) amends section 28(2)(a) of the 2003 Act to extend the exemption from certain offences in respect of acts done for scientific and other purposes to offences under inserted sections 17A and 17B.
63.Section 30 (Exemptions in relation to fish farming) of the 2003 Act exempts any act or omission which takes place within, and in the course of the operation of, a fish farm from constituting an offence under certain specified provisions of the 2003 Act. Section 23(2) of the Act amends section 30 of the 2003 Act to exempt such acts and omissions from certain other specified provisions of the 2003 Act: namely, sections 6 (Fishing for salmon without right or permission), 8 (Taking of dead salmon or trout), 17B(3)(b) (Annual close time for freshwater fish other than trout) and 23 (Young salmon and spawning beds).