Section 17 – Disregard of certain interests and improvements
89.Under the rules applicable to the assessment of compensation land is valued at its market value. The purpose of section 17 is to ensure that landowners do not act to enhance the value of their land solely for the purpose of obtaining compensation or increased compensation. Subsection (1) accordingly provides that when assessing compensation payable on the acquisition of the land the Lands Tribunal for Scotland shall not take into account the creation of any interest in land, the erection of buildings or the carrying out of works, improvements or alterations which was undertaken for this purpose.
90.Subsection (2) makes clear that this section applies to works or improvements undertaken both on the land to be acquired and any other land in which the claimant has an interest (a claim for compensation will take into account the impact on land which has been retained by the claimant as well as on the land which is being acquired).