Section 71 – Failure to comply with notice: order as to rental income
190.Section 71 provides that the sheriff may make an order that no rent or other consideration shall be payable or exigible for occupation of the house if the local authority applies for such an order and the sheriff is satisfied both that the landlord has failed to comply with the antisocial behaviour notice and that it would not have been unreasonable for the landlord to have done so. The sheriff can also make incidental orders if necessary.
191.Subsections (3) and (4) require the local authority to give a copy of the order to any tenant and any agent, provided the local authority is aware of their name and address. Subsection (5) provides that apart from the effect of the order no other aspect of the lease is affected by the operation of Part 7. This means that, for example, the landlord is still able to take action under the lease to deal with a tenant’s antisocial behaviour, and that the tenant retains all obligations (other than rent liability) and protections under any lease or occupancy agreement.