The Act – an Overview
6.The Act provides:
a duty to secure Best Value in local government service provision;
an extension of the Accounts Commission for Scotland’s powers to hold hearings and publish findings so that they cover issues relating to Best Value and Community Planning;
the provision of a Ministerial intervention power for continued or extraordinary statutory failure in Best Value or a significant misuse of the power of well being;
amendments to constraints on local authority trading activity, with the repeal of all existing legislation relating to compulsory competitive tendering;
a statutory basis for public performance reporting and arrangements to improve accountability;
a statutory basis for Community Planning to ensure long-term commitment to effective partnership working with communities and between local authorities and other key bodies and organisations;
a power of well-being to enable local authorities to work in a more innovative and creative way in responding to the needs of their communities; and
a vehicle to progress a number of miscellaneous provisions which relate to local government matters.
7.The Act is in the following parts: