Section 24 – Dissolution of new water and sewerage authorities etc
50.Subsection (1) empowers the Scottish Ministers to dissolve the existing authorities on dates to be set by them by order; and that different dates may be set for the dissolution of each authority (subsection (2)). The existing authorities could continue in existence after the transfer of their functions, property, staff etc. to Scottish Water to enable them, for example, to complete final accounts.
51.Subsection (3) gives the Scottish Ministers power by order to make ancillary provisions in connection with the establishment of Scottish Water, the dissolution of the existing authorities and the transfer to Scottish Water. This power will, in particular, enable the Scottish Ministers to deal with transitional and consequential issues arising from the move to the single authority. For example, the Scottish Ministers will be able to provide that water and sewerage charges made in the name of the existing authorities can be passed to Scottish Water.
52.Orders under this section must be made by statutory instrument and are subject to negative procedure in the Parliament. An order under subsection (3) can textually amend primary legislation but if it does so it will be subject to affirmative procedure (see section 68).