Section 68: Certain applications to Sheriff of Chancery
214.Sections 27 to 50 of the Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868 deal with the service of heirs - an essentially feudal procedure whereby an heir could obtain infeftment. They were repealed by the Succession (Scotland) Act 1964, but the repeal did not affect the "making up of title to any part of the estate of any person who died before" 10 September 1964 "or the right to take legal proceedings with respect to any such matters". This partial repeal meant that (a) archaic rules were preserved for cases involving deaths before 10 September 1964 and (b) there was no provision whereby, when property was conveyed to named trustees and the heir of the last surviving named or assumed trustee, the heir of that trustee could establish his title to act as trustee. Such an heir had to apply to the Court of Session for a declarator that he was entitled to act as trustee.
215.Section 68 completes the repeal of sections 27 to 50 of the 1868 Act and replaces the provisions on the service of heirs with 3 sections which enable the same results to be achieved in a simpler way.