1.These Explanatory Notes are for the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 which was passed by Senedd Cymru on 09 March 2021 and received Royal Assent on 29 April 2021. They have been prepared by the Education Directorate of the Welsh Government to assist the reader of the Act. The Explanatory Notes should be read in conjunction with the Act but are not part of it.
2.In these Explanatory Notes, “the 1996 Act” refers to the Education Act 1996 and “the 1998 Act” refers to the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998. References to local authorities, maintained schools, special schools, funded non-maintained settings and other education providers, are to those in Wales unless otherwise indicated. References to sections and Parts are to those of the Act, unless otherwise indicated.
3.Also, in these Explanatory Notes, references to funded non-maintained nursery education, or “FNNE”, are to nursery education provided other than at a maintained nursery school, under arrangements made by a local authority in exercising its duty to secure nursery education under section 118 of the 1998 Act. References to post compulsory education are to education provided to young persons who are above compulsory school age.
4.Commonly used abbreviations:
Rse | Relationships and Sexuality Education |
Rve | Religion, Values and Ethics |
Re | Religious Education |
Fnne | Funded Non-maintained Nursery Education |
Pru | Pupil Referral Unit |
Eotas | Education Other Than At School |