Section 162 and Schedule 13 – Abolition of polls consequent on a community meeting
701.Section 162 introduces Schedule 13 which amends the 1972 Act so as to abolish community polls, with the exception of community governance polls, which enable a community to hold a poll in respect of a proposal of the kind mentioned in sections 27A, 27C, 27E, 27G, 27I and 27K of the 1972 Act, including proposals to establish or dissolve a community council or to group with other communities under a common community council.
702.Paragraph 6(5) of Schedule 13 substitutes paragraph 34(5) and (6) of Schedule 12 of the 1972 Act, providing for a power that will allow the Welsh Ministers to make regulations about the conduct of community governance polls.
703.Paragraph 12 of Schedule 13 repeals an amendment which is made to paragraph 34(5) of Schedule 12 to the 1972 Act in consequence of section 13 of this Act. The consequential amendment to paragraph 34(5) will be redundant when paragraph 6(5) of this Schedule substitutes paragraphs 34(5) and (6) to provide for the new regulation making power for the Welsh Ministers.