Section 17 – Revocation of registration
35.A licensing authority is able to revoke a landlord’s registration in certain circumstances. They are: a) where the landlord has provided the licensing authority with false or misleading information when applying for registration under section 15 or when complying with the duty to notify the licensing authority of a change in circumstances under section 16; b) where the landlord has failed to notify the licensing authority of a change as required by section 16; and c) failing to pay a fee for remaining on the register (see section 15(4)).
36.Before revoking a registration, a licensing authority must take certain steps. It must notify the landlord of its intention to revoke the registration and the reasons for doing so. It must also allow the landlord 21 days to make representations in relation to the decision from the date that the landlord is notified. The process for giving notifications is set out in section 48.
37.After revoking a registration, the licensing authority must notify the landlord of the revocation and the reasons for doing so and provide information on the right of appeal. A landlord whose registration is revoked may appeal against the decision to a residential property tribunal. An appeal must be brought within 28 days of the landlord being notified of the decision. On appeal, a tribunal may confirm the licensing authority’s decision to revoke a registration or direct the authority to register the landlord.
38.The day on which revocation of a landlord’s registration takes effect depends on whether or not the landlord makes an appeal against the licensing authority’s decision or a subsequent appeal (see subsection (8)).
39.The licensing authority must take certain action in the event of a landlord’s registration being revoked. It must notify any person on the register who has been appointed by the landlord to undertake, on the landlord’s behalf, lettings or property management work and it must also notify the tenants or occupiers of that landlord’s registered rental properties.