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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1951 has returned 30 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Administration of Children’s Homes Regulations, 19511951 No. 1217UK Statutory Instruments
    The Airways Corporations (Pilots Pensions) Regulations, 19511951 No. 527UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 2) Regulations 19511951 No. 393UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 3) Regulations 19511951 No. 2010UK Statutory Instruments
    The Consular Conventions (Kingdom of Norway) Order in Council 19511951 No. 1165UK Statutory Instruments
    The Conveyance of Explosives Byelaws, 19511951 No. 869UK Statutory Instruments
    The Corn Rent Annuities (Apportionment and Redemption) Rules 19511951 No. 1535UK Statutory Instruments
    The Cupro-Nickel Coins (Carriers' Liability) Regulations 19511951 No. 1032UK Statutory Instruments
    The Distribution of German Enemy Property (No. 2) Order 19511951 No. 1899UK Statutory Instruments
    The Hill Farming Improvements (Settled Land and Trusts for Sale) Regulations 19511951 No. 1816UK Statutory Instruments
    The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sierra Leone Government Ships) Order 19511951 No. 143UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Assistance (Adaptation of Enactments) Regulations 19501951 No. 174UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Reciprocal Multilateral Agreement) (Belgium) Order 19511951 No. 1801UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance and Industrial Injuries (Reciprocal Multilateral Agreement) (France and the Netherlands) Order 19511951 No. 972UK Statutory Instruments
    The Prevention of Damage by Pests (Application to Shipping) Order 19511951 No. 967UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) (Business Premises) Regulations 19511951 No. 1402UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Rules 19511951 No. 1401UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Friendly Society Life Policies) Regulations 19511951 No. 1408UK Statutory Instruments
    The Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Industrial Assurance &c. Policies) Regulations 19511951 No. 1407UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (English Local Government and Isle of Man) Interchange Rules 19511951 No. 309UK Statutory Instruments

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