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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1940-1949 has returned 80 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) (Substitution) Order 19491949 No. 2393UK Statutory Instruments
    The Blasting (Castings and Other Articles) Special Regulations, 19491949 No. 2225UK Statutory Instruments
    The Fire Services (Pensionable Employment) (No. 2) Regulations 19491949 No. 2216UK Statutory Instruments
    The Hill Farming Improvements (Piers, etc.) Order 19491949 No. 2169UK Statutory Instruments
    The Federated Superannuation System for Universities (Temporary Service) (Amendment) Regulations 19491949 No. 2116UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Governors of Dominions, etc.) Rules 19491949 No. 2114UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agricultural Marketing (Public Inquiry) Rules 19491949 No. 2094UK Statutory Instruments
    The Isles of Scilly (Importation of Animals Regulations) Orders,19491949 No. 2012UK Statutory Instruments
    The Federated Superannuation System for Universities (War Service) Regulations 19491949 No. 1891UK Statutory Instruments
    The Federated Superannuation System for Universities (Temporary Service) Regulations 19491949 No. 1890UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agricultural Wages Committees Regulations 19491949 No. 1885UK Statutory Instruments
    The Agricultural Wages Board Regulations 19491949 No. 1884UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Reckoning of Certain Previous Service) Rules 19491949 No. 1803UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Local Government, Social Workers and Health Education Staff) Interchange Rules,19491949 No. 1465UK Statutory Instruments
    The National Insurance (Pensions, Existing Contributors) (Transitional) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 19491949 No. 1412UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation (Approved Employment) Rules 19491949 No. 1327UK Statutory Instruments
    The Stopping Up of Highways (Norfolk) (No. 1) Order, 19491949 No. 1198UK Statutory Instruments
    The Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order 19491949 No. 1083UK Statutory Instruments
    The Superannuation Schemes (War Service) (End of Emergency) Order,19491949 No. 1053UK Statutory Instruments
    The Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme) (Winding Up, No. 1) Regulations 19491949 No. 917UK Statutory Instruments

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