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Your search for English language UK Public General Acts from 1840-1849 has returned 161 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1987
Complete dataset 1988 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act 18491849 c. 96UK Public General Acts
An Act for Confirmation of certain Marriages in Ireland.1842 c. 113UK Public General Acts
An Act for consolidating the Four Courts Marshalsea, Dublin, Sheriffs Prison, Dublin, and City Marshalsea, Dublin, and for regulating the Four Courts Marshalsea in Ireland.1842 c. 95UK Public General Acts
An Act for effecting an Exchange between Her Majesty and the Provost and College of Eton.1842 c. 78UK Public General Acts
An Act for extending to the Governors and Officers of the East India Company the Powers given by an Act of the Fifth Year of King George the Fourth to Her Majesty's Governors and Officers for the more effectual Suppression of the Importation of Slaves into India by Sea.1842 c. 101UK Public General Acts
An Act for further regulating the Preparation and Issue of Exchequer Bills.1842 c. 66UK Public General Acts
An Act for further suspending, until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, the Operation of the new Arrangement of Dioceses, so far as it affects the existing Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions.1842 c. 58UK Public General Acts
An Act for guaranteeing the Payment of the Interest on a Loan of One million five hundred thousand Pounds to be raised by the Province of Canada.1842 c. 118UK Public General Acts
An Act for raising the Sum of Nine millions one hundred and ninety-three thousand Pounds by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-two.1842 c. 115UK Public General Acts
An Act for regulating the Carriage of Passengers in Merchant Vessels.1842 c. 107UK Public General Acts
An Act for regulating the Priorities of Monies authorized to be charged on a Fund called ''The London Bridge Approaches Fund.''1842 c. 64UK Public General Acts
An Act for suspending, until the First Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-three, Appointments to certain Ecclesiastical Preferments in the Dioceses of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and for securing certain Property to the said Sees.1842 c. 112UK Public General Acts
An Act for the Amendment of the Law of Bankruptcy.1842 c. 122UK Public General Acts
An act for the better Discovery and Prevention of Bribery and Treating at the Election of Members of Parliament.1842 c. 102UK Public General Acts
An Act for the better regulating the Number of Prisoners admitted to the General Prison at Perth.1842 c. 67UK Public General Acts
An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors.1842 c. 116UK Public General Acts
An Act to abolish the Court of Saint Briavel's, and for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts within the Hundred of Saint Briavel's, in the County of Gloucester.1842 c. 83UK Public General Acts
An Act to alter and amend the Practice and Course of Proceeding under Commissions in the Nature of Writs De lunatico inquirendo.1842 c. 84UK Public General Acts
An Act to alter the Number and define the Boundaries of the several Baronies of the County of Dublin.1842 c. 96UK Public General Acts
An Act to amend an Act of the First and Second Years of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, to empower Landed Proprietors in Ireland to sink, embank, and remove Obstructions in Rivers.1842 c. 105UK Public General Acts

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