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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The Official Controls (Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 2024/547 UK Statutory Instruments
The Official Controls (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2024 2024/541 UK Statutory Instruments
The Ammonium Nitrate Materials (High Nitrogen Content) Safety (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2022 2022/1182 UK Statutory Instruments
The Official Controls (Extension of Transitional Periods) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 2022/621 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019 2019/1284 UK Statutory Instruments
The Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 2019/782 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement) Regulations 2018 2018/849 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farriers’ Qualifications (European Recognition) Regulations 2015 2015/2072 UK Statutory Instruments 18/01/2021
The Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011 2011/2883 UK Statutory Instruments 01/01/2017
Flood and Water Management Act 2010 2010/29 UK Public General Acts
The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 2009/3042 UK Statutory Instruments
The Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water Regulations 1999 1999/1540 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Extension of Section 140) Regulations 1999 1999/396 UK Statutory Instruments
Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999 1999/11 UK Public General Acts
The Bread and Flour Regulations 1998 1998/141 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sheep Scab Order 1997 1997/968 UK Statutory Instruments
The Specified Diseases (Notification) Order 1996 1996/2628 UK Statutory Instruments
The Food (Lot Marking) Regulations 1996 1996/1502 UK Statutory Instruments
The Food Labelling Regulations 1996 1996/1499 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1996 1996/979 UK Statutory Instruments
The Animals (Post-Import Control) Order 1995 1995/2439 UK Statutory Instruments
Environment Act 1995 1995/25 UK Public General Acts
The Anthrax Order 1991 1991/2814 UK Statutory Instruments
The Litter Control Areas Order 1991 1991/1325 UK Statutory Instruments
The Litter (Statutory Undertakers) (Designation and Relevant Land) Order 1991 1991/1043 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Protection (Authorisation of Processes) (Determination Periods) Order 1991 1991/513 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations 1991 1991/507 UK Statutory Instruments
The Litter (Relevant Land of Principal Litter Authorities and Relevant Crown Land) Order 1991 1991/476 UK Statutory Instruments
Breeding of Dogs Act 1991 1991/64 UK Public General Acts
The Welfare of Animals at Markets Order 1990 1990/2628 UK Statutory Instruments
The Welfare of Horses at Markets (and Other Places of Sale) Order 1990 1990/2627 UK Statutory Instruments
The Zoonoses Order 1989 1989/285 UK Statutory Instruments
Dangerous Dogs Act 1989 1989/30 UK Public General Acts
Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989 1989/14 UK Public General Acts
The Collection and Disposal of Waste Regulations 1988 1988/819 UK Statutory Instruments
The Dutch Elm Disease (Local Authorities) (Amendment) Order 1988 1988/604 UK Statutory Instruments
Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 1988/30 UK Public General Acts
The Infectious Diseases of Horses Order 1987 1987/790 UK Statutory Instruments
The Removal and Disposal of Vehicle Regulations 1986 1986/183 UK Statutory Instruments
The Dutch Elm Disease (Local Authorities) Order 1984 1984/687 UK Statutory Instruments