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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The London Waste and Recycling Board Order 2008 2008/2038 UK Statutory Instruments
The Apple and Pear Research Council (Dissolution) Order 2003 2003/909 UK Statutory Instruments
The Food Industry Development Scheme 1997 1997/2673 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm Woodland Premium Scheme 1997 1997/829 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm Woodland (Amendment) Scheme 1997 1997/828 UK Statutory Instruments
The Marketing Development (Limitation) Scheme 1996 1996/2629 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environment Act 1995 (Isles of Scilly) Order 1996 1996/1030 UK Statutory Instruments
The Export Refunds (Administrative Penalties) (Rate of Interest) Regulations 1995 1995/2861 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant (Amendment) Regulations 1994 1994/3003 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant (Variation) (No. 2) Scheme 1994 1994/3002 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant (Amendment) Regulations 1993 1993/2900 UK Statutory Instruments
The Diseases of Animals (Seizure) Order 1993 1993/1685 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant (Amendment) Regulations 1992 1992/3174 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm Woodland Premium Scheme 1992 1992/905 UK Statutory Instruments
The Suckler Cow Premium (Amendment) Regulations 1992 1992/270 UK Statutory Instruments
The Suckler Cow Premium Regulations 1991 1991/2632 UK Statutory Instruments
The Dangerous Dogs Compensation and Exemption Schemes Order 1991 1991/1744 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant Regulations 1991 1991/1630 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant (Amendment) Regulations 1990 1990/1125 UK Statutory Instruments
The Poultry (Seizure of Hatching Eggs) Order 1990 1990/232 UK Statutory Instruments
The Apple and Pear Development Council (Dissolution) Order 1989 1989/2276 UK Statutory Instruments
The Tuberculosis (Deer) Notice of Intended Slaughter and Compensation Order 1989 1989/1316 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant Regulations 1989 1989/219 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm and Conservation Grant Scheme 1989 1989/128 UK Statutory Instruments
The Set-Aside Regulations 1988 1988/1352 UK Statutory Instruments
The Farm Woodland Scheme 1988 1988/1291 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fish Farming (Financial Assistance) Scheme 1987 1987/1134 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fish Farming (Financial Assistance) Scheme 1984 1984/341 UK Statutory Instruments
The Aujeszky's Disease (Compensation for Swine) Order 1983 1983/345 UK Statutory Instruments
The African Swine Fever (Compensation) Order 1980 1980/146 UK Statutory Instruments
The Importation of Embryos, Ova and Semen Order 1980 1980/12 UK Statutory Instruments
The Forestry (Felling of Trees) Regulations 1979 1979/791 UK Statutory Instruments
The Brucellosis Incentive Payments Scheme 1977 1977/1303 UK Statutory Instruments
The Rabies (Compensation) Order 1976 1976/2195 UK Statutory Instruments
The Diseases of Animals (Ascertainment of Compensation) Order 1959 1959/1335 UK Statutory Instruments