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Title Year and Number Legislation Type Review Date
The Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 2017/1013 UK Statutory Instruments 30/11/2022
The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 2017/588 UK Statutory Instruments 16/05/2022
The Poole Harbour Fishery Order 2015 2015/1346 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Boats Designation (England) Order 2015 2015/648 UK Statutory Instruments 01/07/2020
The Sea Fish Licensing (England) Order 2015 2015/647 UK Statutory Instruments 01/07/2020
The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 2015/446 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Enforcement and Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 2015 2015/191 UK Statutory Instruments
The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (England and River Esk Catchment Area) Regulations 2015 2015/10 UK Statutory Instruments
The River Roach Oyster Fishery Order 2013 2013/1979 UK Statutory Instruments
The River Camel Mussel and Oyster Fishery Order 2013 2013/1978 UK Statutory Instruments
The Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) (Amendment) Order 2013 2013/526 UK Statutory Instruments
The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 2011/735 UK Statutory Instruments
The Marine Strategy Regulations 2010 2010/1627 UK Statutory Instruments
The Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 2010/491 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing) Order 2009 2009/3391 UK Statutory Instruments
The Sea Fishing (Landing and Weighing of Herring, Mackerel and Horse Mackerel) Order 2009 2009/1850 UK Statutory Instruments
The Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 2009/463 UK Statutory Instruments
The Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c) Regulations 2007 2007/1842 UK Statutory Instruments 16/08/2017
The Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 2007/1518 UK Statutory Instruments
The Registration of Fish Buyers and Sellers and Designation of Fish Auction Sites Regulations 2005 2005/1605 UK Statutory Instruments
The Stanswood Bay Oyster Fishery Order 2005 2005/1402 UK Statutory Instruments
The Calshot Oyster Fishery Order 2005 2005/1400 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme 2001 2001/3390 UK Statutory Instruments
The Waddeton Fishery Order 2001 2001/1380 UK Statutory Instruments
The Environmental Impact Assessment (Fish Farming in Marine Waters) Regulations 1999 1999/367 UK Statutory Instruments
The Thames Estuary Cockle Fishery Order 1994 1994/2329 UK Statutory Instruments
The River Roach Oyster Fishery Order 1992 1992/2957 UK Statutory Instruments
The Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and Substances) Regulations 1989 1989/1156 UK Statutory Instruments
The Stanswood Bay Oyster Fishery Order 1988 1988/1024 UK Statutory Instruments
The Poole Fishery Order 1985 1985/847 UK Statutory Instruments
The Undersized Scallops (West Coast) Order 1984 1984/1522 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Vessels (Certification of Deck Officers and Engineer Officers) Regulations 1984 1984/1115 UK Statutory Instruments
The Fishing Boats (European Economic Community) Designation Order 1983 1983/253 UK Statutory Instruments
The Lobsters (Control of Importation) Order 1981 1981/995 UK Statutory Instruments
The Lobsters (Control of Deposit) Order 1981 1981/994 UK Statutory Instruments
The Foreign Sea-Fishery Officers Order 1976 1976/1103 UK Statutory Instruments
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 1975/51 UK Public General Acts
The Molluscan Shellfish (Control of Deposit) Order 1974 1974/1555 UK Statutory Instruments
The Blakeney Harbour Mussel Fishery Order 1966 1966/984 UK Statutory Instruments
The River Teign Mussel Fishery Order 1966 1966/792 UK Statutory Instruments