  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and Commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Application of the Regulations

  5. 4.Knowledge of radioactivity

  6. 5.General prohibitions

  7. 6.No person shall— (a) transport radioactive material in a vehicle...

  8. 7.No person shall be a carrier of radioactive material unless—...

  9. 8.Subject to regulation 15, no person shall transport or cause...

  10. 9.(a) No person shall transport or cause to be transported...

  11. 10.General obligation

  12. 11.Tampering with, and securing of, packages

  13. 12.Tampering with labels

  14. 13.Contents limits

  15. 14.Transport Index (TI) limits

  16. 15.Special arrangement

  17. 16.Radiation level limits for consignments under exclusive use

  18. 17.Special form radioactive material

  19. 18.Fissile material

  20. 19.Type B(U) packages

  21. 20.Type B(M) packages

  22. 21.Contamination levels

  23. 22.Saving and transitional provision for designs approved under earlier international regulations or under previous Regulations

  24. 23.Shipments requiring approval

  25. 24.Quality assurance programmes

  26. 25.Test procedures

  27. 26.Retention and production of information

  28. 27.Transport documents

  29. 28.Transport documents for regular consignments

  30. 29.Production of documents

  31. 30.Marking, labelling and placarding

  32. 31.Package inspection prior to shipment

  33. 32.Stowing for transport

  34. 33.Notification of competent authorities

  35. 34.Restrictions on travel in vehicles transporting radioactive materials

  36. 35.Storage in transit

  37. 36.Duties of driver during transport

  38. 37.Undeliverable consignments

  39. 38.Duties of driver and carrier in the event of an incident

  40. 39.Notification and registration of serial numbers

  41. 40.Evaluation of radiation emissions

  42. 41.Revocation of existing Regulations

  43. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Determination of A1 and A2 values

      1. 1.Values of A1 and A2 for individual radionuclides are those...

      2. 2.For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but which are...

      3. 3.In the calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide...

      4. 4.An A value for a mixture of radionuclides whose identities...

      5. 5.When the identity of each radionuclide is known but the...

      6. 6.For individual radionuclides or for mixtures of radionuclides for which...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      General requirements for packages and packaging

      1. 1.A package shall be so designed in relation to its...

      2. 2.The design of a package shall be such that any...

      3. 3.Any attachment or other feature on the outer surface of...

      4. 4.As far as reasonably practicable, packaging shall be so designed...

      5. 5.As far as reasonably practicable, the outer layer of a...

      6. 6.No feature, not forming an integral part of a package,...

      7. 7.A package shall be capable of withstanding the effects of...

      8. 8.The materials of packaging and any components or structures thereof...

      9. 9.All valves through which radioactive contents could otherwise escape shall...

      10. 10.A package shall not contain any other items except such...

      11. 11.The transport of other goods with consignments being transported under...

      12. 12.In addition to the radioactive properties, any other dangerous properties...

      13. 13.Except for packages or overpacks transported under exclusive use under...

      14. 14.The following additional requirements shall apply to overpacks:

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Requirements for excepted packages of limited activity

      1. 1.The package shall comply with paragraphs 1 to 9 and...

      2. 2.If the package contains fissile material it must fall within...

      3. 3.The radiation level at any point of the external surface...

      4. 4.The non-fixed contamination on any external surface of the package...

      5. 5.Radioactive material which is not enclosed in or forming a...

      6. 6.The package shall retain its contents under conditions likely to...

      7. 7.The package shall bear the marking “Radioactive” on an internal...

      8. 8.If the gross mass of the package exceeds 50 kg,...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Requirements for excepted packages containing instruments or other manufactured articles

      1. 1.The radioactive material shall be enclosed in or form a...

      2. 2.The package and its packaging shall comply with Schedule 3....

      3. 3.The activity of the instruments or articles, and of the...

      4. 4.The radiation level at 10 cm from any point on...

      5. 5.Each instrument or article (except radioluminescent time-pieces or devices) shall...

      6. 6.In the case of a manufactured article in which the...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Requirements for excepted packages which are empty packagings

      1. 1.The package and its packaging shall comply with Schedule 3....

      2. 2.The package shall be in a well maintained condition and...

      3. 3.The outer surface of any uranium or thorium in the...

      4. 4.The level of internal non-fixed contamination shall not exceed one...

      5. 5.Any labels which may have been displayed on the package...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Requirements for special form radioactive material

      1. 1.Special form radioactive material shall have at least one dimension...

      2. 2.Special form radioactive material shall be of such a nature...

      3. 3.When a sealed capsule constitutes part of the special form...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Requirements for packages containing fissile material

      1. 1.Fissile material shall be packaged and shipped in such a...

      2. 2.A packaging for fissile material shall be so designed that,...

      3. 3.For the purposes of this Schedule the following words have...

      4. 4.In determining the subcriticality of individual packages in isolation for...

      5. 5.The individual package damaged or undamaged shall be subcritical under...

      6. 6.An array of packages shall be subcritical. A number, “N”...

      7. 7.In evaluating the subcriticality of fissile material in its transport...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Packages excepted from the requirements for fissile material

      1. 1.A package containing individually not more than 15 g of...

      2. 2.A package containing homogeneous hydrogenous solutions or mixtures satisfying the...

      3. 3.A package containing uranium enriched in uranium-235 to a maximum...

      4. 4.A package containing not more than 5 g of fissile...

      5. 5.A package containing individually not more than 1 kg of...

      6. 6.A package containing liquid solutions of uranyl nitrate enriched in...

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Requirements for industrial packages

      1. PART I Requirements for an industrial package Type 1 (IP-1)

      2. PART II Requirements for an industrial package Type 2 (IP-2)

      3. PART III Requirements for an industrial package Type 3 (IP-3)

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Additional requirements and controls for transport of LSA material and SCO in industrial packages and requirements and controls for transport of unpackaged LSA material and SCO

      1. 1.The quantity of LSA material or SCO in a single...

      2. 2.LSA material and SCO which is or contains fissile material...

      3. 3.LSA material and SCO in groups LSA-I and SCO-I may...

      4. 4.LSA material and SCO, except as otherwise specified in paragraph...

      5. 5.The total activity of LSA material and SCO in any...

    11. SCHEDULE 11

      Requirements for Type A packages

      1. 1.A Type A package shall meet the requirements of Schedule...

      2. 2.The smallest overall external dimension of the package shall not...

      3. 3.The outside of the package shall incorporate a feature such...

      4. 4.Any tie-down attachments on the package shall be so designed...

      5. 5.The design of the package shall take into account temperatures...

      6. 6.The design, fabrication and manufacturing techniques shall be in accordance...

      7. 7.The design shall include a containment system securely closed by...

      8. 8.Special form radioactive material may be considered as a component...

      9. 9.If the containment system forms a separate unit of the...

      10. 10.The design of any component of the containment system shall...

      11. 11.The containment system shall retain its radioactive contents under a...

      12. 12.All valves, other than pressure relief valves, shall be provided...

      13. 13.A radiation shield which encloses a component of the package...

      14. 14.A package shall be so designed that if it were...

      15. 15.The design of a package intended for liquid radioactive material...

      16. 16.A Type A package designed to contain liquids shall, in...

      17. 17.In the case of a Type B package which has...

      18. 18.A package designed for compressed gases or uncompressed gases shall...

      19. 19.In the case of a package containing uranium hexafloride the...

    12. SCHEDULE 12

      General requirements for Type B packages

      1. 1.A Type B package shall meet the requirements of Schedule...

      2. 2.A package shall be so designed that, if it were...

      3. 3.A package shall be so designed that, under the ambient...

      4. 4.A package shall be so designed that, under the ambient...

      5. 5.In applying paragraphs 3 and 4, the ambient temperature shall...

      6. 6.In applying paragraph 3 above, the solar insolation conditions shall...

      7. 7.A package which includes thermal protection for the purpose of...

      8. 8.A package shall be so designed that, if it were...

      9. 9.In the case of a package containing uranium hexafloride the...

    13. SCHEDULE 13

      Requirements of Type B(U) packages

      1. 1.A Type B(U) package shall meet the requirements of Schedule...

      2. 2.A package for irradiated nuclear fuel with activity greater than...

      3. 3.Compliance with the permitted activity release limits shall depend neither...

      4. 4.A package shall not include a pressure relief system from...

      5. 5.A package shall be so designed that if it were...

      6. 6.A package shall not have a maximum normal operating pressure...

      7. 7.The maximum temperature of any surface readily accessible during transport...

      8. 8.A package shall be designed for an ambient temperature range...

    14. SCHEDULE 14

      Requirements for Type B(M) packages

      1. 1.A Type B(M) package shall meet the requirements of Schedule...

      2. 2.Intermittent venting of Type B(M) packages may be permitted during...

    15. SCHEDULE 15




        1. 1.General

        2. 2.A different specimen may be used for each of the...

        3. 3.After each test specified in paragraphs 4–8 below, a leaching...

        4. 4.Test methods

        5. 5.Percussion test:

        6. 6.Bending test:

        7. 7.Heat test:

        8. 8.Specimens that comprise or simulate radioactive material enclosed in a...

        9. 9.Leaching and volumetric leakage assessment methods

        10. 10.For specimens which comprise or simulate radioactive material enclosed in...


        1. 1.Preparation of a specimen for testing

        2. 2.The containment system of the package shall be clearly specified....

        3. 3.The external features of the specimen shall be clearly identified...

        4. 4.Testing the integrity of the containment system, shielding and criticality safety

        5. 5.Target for drop tests

        6. 6.Test for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of transport

        7. 7.The time interval between the conclusion of the water spray...

        8. 8.Water spray test:

        9. 9.Free drop test:

        10. 10.Stacking test:

        11. 11.Penetration test:

        12. 12.Additional tests for Type A packages designed for liquids and gases

        13. 13.Tests for demonstrating ability to withstand accident conditions of transport

        14. 14.Mechanical test:

        15. 15.Thermal test:

        16. 16.Water immersion test:

        17. 17.Water immersion test for packages containing irradiated nuclear fuel

        18. 18.Water leakage test for packages containing fissile material

        19. 19.Before the specimen is subjected to the water leakage test...

        20. 20.The specimen shall be immersed under a head of water...


        1. 1.Performance of tests with specimens simulating as closely as practicable...

        2. 2.Reference to previous satisfactory demonstrations of a sufficiently similar nature....

        3. 3.Performance of tests with models of appropriate scale incorporating those...

        4. 4.Calculation, or reasoned argument, when the calculation procedures and parameters...

    16. SCHEDULE 16

      Contents limits for packages

      1. 1.Excepted packages

      2. 2.An excepted package consisting of articles manufactured of natural uranium,...

      3. 3.Industrial packages

      4. 4.Type A packages

      5. 5.Type B packages

      6. 6.Packages containing fissile material

      7. 7.No packaging containing fissile material, other than a package falling...

    17. SCHEDULE 17

      Determination of Transport Index (TI)

      1. 1.The Transport Index (TI) based on radiation exposure control for...

      2. 2.The Transport Index (TI) based on nuclear criticality control shall...

      3. 3.The Transport Index (TI) for each consignment shall be determined...

    18. SCHEDULE 18

      Requirements for marking, labelling and placarding

      1. 1.Marking

      2. 2.Each package which conforms to a Type A package design...

      3. 3.Each package which conforms to a design approved under regulation...

      4. 4.Each package which conforms to a Type B(U) or Type...

      5. 5.Labelling

      6. 6.The labels shall be affixed to two opposite sides of...

      7. 7.Each label shall be completed with the following information:

      8. 8.(a) Each package, overpack, tank, freight container or vehicle containing...

      9. 9.Placarding

      10. 10.Where the consignment in the freight container or tank is...

      11. 11.Subject to paragraph 16 in the Appendix below, a vehicle...

      12. 12.Where the consignment in or on the vehicle is unpackaged...

      13. 13.A vehicle transporting radioactive material shall, in addition to any...

      14. 14.For the purposes of paragraph 13(a), the plates to be...

      15. 15.For the purposes of paragraph 13(b), the notice to be...

      16. 16.The provisions of paragraph 11 shall not apply to the...

      17. APPENDIX

    19. SCHEDULE 19

      Determination of categories

    20. SCHEDULE 20

      Contents of transport document

      1. 1.The document shall be headed with or shall contain a...

      2. 2.The name of the consignor, and an address and telephone...

      3. 3.The name and address of the consignee.

      4. 4.The proper shipping name, as specified in Schedule 37.

      5. 5.The United Nations Class Number “7”.

      6. 6.The words “RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL” unless these words are contained in...

      7. 7.The United Nations Number assigned to the material as specified...

      8. 8.For LSA material, the group notation “LSA-I”, “LSA-II” or “LSA-III”,...

      9. 9.For SCO, the group notation “SCO-I” or “SCO-II”, as appropriate....

      10. 10.The name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures...

      11. 11.A description of the physical and chemical form of the...

      12. 12.The maximum activity of the radioactive contents during transport expressed...

      13. 13.The category of the package, i.e., I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, or III-YELLOW....

      14. 14.The Transport Index (TI) (categories II-YELLOW and III-YELLOW only).

      15. 15.All items and materials transported under the provisions for excepted...

      16. 16.For a consignment of fissile material, where all of the...

      17. 17.The identification mark for each competent authority approval certificate (special...

      18. 18.For consignments of packages in an overpack or freight container,...

      19. 19.Where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive...

      20. 20.A declaration signed and dated by the consignor in the...

    21. SCHEDULE 21

      Contents of statement for the carrier

      1. 1.The statement shall specify the actions, if any, that are...

      2. 2.The statement shall be in the languages deemed necessary by...

    22. SCHEDULE 22

      Application for approval of design for special form radioactive material

      1. 1.A detailed description of the radioactive material or, if a...

      2. 2.A detailed statement of the design of any capsule to...

      3. 3.A statement of the tests which have been done and...

      4. 4.Evidence of a quality assurance programme as required by regulation...

    23. SCHEDULE 23

      Competent authority identification marks

    24. SCHEDULE 24

      Application for package design approval certificate for fissile material

      1. 1.All information necessary to satisfy the Secretary of State that...

      2. 2.Evidence of a quality assurance programme as required by regulation...

    25. SCHEDULE 25

      Application for package design approval certificate for a Type B(U) package

      1. 1.A detailed description of the proposed radioactive contents with particular...

      2. 2.A detailed statement of the design, including complete engineering drawings...

      3. 3.A statement of the tests which have been done and...

      4. 4.The proposed operating and maintenance instructions for the use of...

      5. 5.If the package is designed to have a maximum normal...

      6. 6.Where the proposed radioactive contents are irradiated fuel, the applicant...

      7. 7.Any special stowage provisions necessary to ensure the safe dissipation...

      8. 8.A reproducible illustration not larger than 21 cm×30 cm showing...

      9. 9.Evidence of a quality assurance programme as required by regulation...

      10. 10.Evidence of a suitable emergency plan.

    26. SCHEDULE 26

      Application for package design approval certificate for a Type B(M) package

      1. 1.The information required in Schedule 25 for Type B(U) packages....

      2. 2.A list of the specific requirements for Type B(U) packages...

      3. 3.Any proposed supplementary operational controls to be applied during transport...

      4. 4.A statement relative to any restrictions on the mode of...

      5. 5.The maximum and minimum ambient conditions (temperature, solar radiation) expected...

      6. 6.Evidence of a suitable emergency plan.

    27. SCHEDULE 27

      Application for a shipment approval certificate

      1. 1.The period of time, related to the shipment, for which...

      2. 2.The actual radioactive contents, the expected modes of transport and...

      3. 3.The details of how the special precautions and special administrative...

      4. 4.Evidence of a suitable emergency plan.

    28. SCHEDULE 28

      Application for a special arrangement approval certificate

      1. 1.All the information necessary to satisfy the competent authority that...

      2. 2.A statement of the respects in which, and justification of...

      3. 3.A statement of any special precautions or special administrative or...

      4. 4.Evidence of a suitable emergency plan.

    29. SCHEDULE 29

      Package inspection requirements before the first shipment

      1. 1.The containment system of any package whose design pressure exceeds...

      2. 2.For each Type B package and for each packaging containing...

      3. 3.For each package containing fissile material, where, in order to...

    30. SCHEDULE 30

      Package inspection requirements before any shipment

      1. 1.It must be ensured that lifting attachments which do not...

      2. 2.For each Type B package and for each packaging containing...

      3. 3.Each Type B package shall be held until equilibrium conditions...

      4. 4.For each Type B package, it shall be ensured by...

    31. SCHEDULE 31

      Notification of consignments to competent authorities

      1. 1.Notification required by regulation 33(2) shall be delivered to the...

      2. 2.The notification shall include: (a) Sufficient information to identify the...

      3. 3.Separate notification to the Secretary of State is not required...

    32. SCHEDULE 32

      Radiation level limits for consignments under exclusive use

    33. SCHEDULE 33

      Stowing for transport

      1. 1.Consignments shall be securely stowed.

      2. 2.During stowage, packages, overpacks, freight containers and tanks shall be...

      3. 3.In the case of undeveloped photographic film the basis for...

      4. 4.Provided that its average surface heat flux does not exceed...

      5. 5.Except in the case of shipment under special arrangement, mixing...

    34. SCHEDULE 34

      Storage in transit

      1. 1.During storage in transit packages, overpacks, freight containers and tanks...

      2. 2.In the case of undeveloped photographic film the basis for...

      3. 3.In the case of other dangerous goods segregation shall comply...

      4. 4.The number of category II-YELLOW and category III-YELLOW packages, overpacks,...

      5. 5.Where the Transport Index (TI) of a single package, overpack,...

      6. 6.Paragraphs 4 and 5 do not apply to consignments in...

      7. 7.Except in the case of shipment under special arrangement, mixing...

    35. SCHEDULE 35

      Contents of regular consignment certificate

      1. 1.A statement that the certificate is a regular consignment certificate....

      2. 2.The issue date.

      3. 3.The information listed in Schedule 20 with the exception of...

    36. SCHEDULE 36


    37. SCHEDULE 37


  44. Explanatory Note