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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1866 has returned 136 results.

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Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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North British Railway (Esk Valley Lease) Act 18661866 c. ccUK Local Acts
United General Gaslight Company's Act 18661866 c. cxcixUK Local Acts
Thetford and Watton Railway Act 18661866 c. cxcviiiUK Local Acts
Cannock Chase and Wolverhampton Railway Act 18661866 c. cxcviiUK Local Acts
Winchcomb and Midland Railway Act 18661866 c. cxcviUK Local Acts
Whitby, Redcar and Middlesbrough Union Railway Act 18661866 c. cxcvUK Local Acts
Thorpe and Great Clacton Railway Act 18661866 c. cxcivUK Local Acts
Sheffield Gas Act 18661866 c. cxciiiUK Local Acts
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway (New Lines) Act 18661866 c. cxciiUK Local Acts
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway (Liverpool Extension) Act 18661866 c. cxciUK Local Acts
London and North Western Railway (Whitehaven Railway Transfer) Act 18661866 c. cxcUK Local Acts
London and North Western Railway (Cockermouth and Workington Railway Transfer) Act 18661866 c. clxxxixUK Local Acts
Kilmarnock Water Company's Act 18661866 c. clxxxviiiUK Local Acts
North Eastern, Hull and Hornsea Railway Amalgamation Act 18661866 c. clxxxviiUK Local Acts
Hoylake Railway (Extension) Act 18661866 c. clxxxviUK Local Acts
Economic Telegraph Act 18661866 c. clxxxvUK Local Acts
Brighton and Hove General Gas Company's Act 18661866 c. clxxxivUK Local Acts
Beddgelert Railway (Extension and Deviation) Act 18661866 c. clxxxiiiUK Local Acts
Midland Counties and Shannon Junction Railway Act 18661866 c. clxxxiiUK Local Acts
Sutherland Railway Act 18661866 c. clxxxiUK Local Acts

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