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Your search for English language Decisions originating from the EU from 1980-1989 has returned more than 200 results.

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80/1096/EEC: Council Decision of 11 November 1980 introducing Community financial measures for the eradication of classical swine fever1980 No. 1096Decisions originating from the EU
80/1097/EEC: Council Decision of 11 November 1980 on financial aid from the Community for the eradication of African swine fever in Sardinia1980 No. 1097Decisions originating from the EU
80/110/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 December 1979 on the provisional reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Federal Republic of Germany of premiums paid during 1978 for the conversion of dairy herds to meat production (Only the German text is authentic)1980 No. 110Decisions originating from the EU
80/1103/EEC: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 supplementing, as regards the application of part of the second tranche of loans, Decision 80/739/EEC applying for the second time Decision 78/870/EEC empowering the Commission to contract loans for the purpose of promoting investment within the Community1980 No. 1103Decisions originating from the EU
80/1104/ECSC: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 appointing the members of the Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community1980 No. 1104Decisions originating from the EU
80/1105/EEC: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 replacing two members of the Advisory Committee on Freedom of Movement for Workers1980 No. 1105Decisions originating from the EU
80/1106/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 25 November 1980 appointing a member of the Economic and Social Committee1980 No. 1106Decisions originating from the EU
80/111/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 December 1979 on the granting by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Federal Republic of Germany of a payment on account in respect of expenditure incurred during 1978 on aids and premiums relating to the modernization of farms including those in the less-favoured farming areas (Only the German text is authentic)1980 No. 111Decisions originating from the EU
80/1116/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 December 1980 accepting undertakings offered by the exporters of saccharin and its salts originating in China and the United States of America and terminating the proceedings concerning imports of saccharin and its salts from China, Japan and the United States of America1980 No. 1116Decisions originating from the EU
80/1117/EEC: Council Decision of 4 December 1980 amending Decisions 75/459/EEC, 76/206/EEC, 77/803/EEC and 77/804/EEC concerning European Social Fund aid measures for certain categories of persons1980 No. 1117Decisions originating from the EU
80/1118/EEC: Council Decision of 4 December 1980 replacing a member of the Committee of the European Social Fund1980 No. 1118Decisions originating from the EU
80/112/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 December 1979 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Kingdom of Belgium of premiums paid during 1978 for the conversion of dairy herds to meat production (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)1980 No. 112Decisions originating from the EU
80/1122/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Kingdom of Belgium of expenditure incurred during 1979 on aids and premiums relating to the modernization of farms, including those in the less-favoured farming areas (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)1980 No. 1122Decisions originating from the EU
80/1123/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the French Republic of expenditure incurred during 1977 on aids and premiums relating to the modernization of farms including those in the less-favoured farming areas (Only the French text is authentic)1980 No. 1123Decisions originating from the EU
80/1124/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the French Republic of expenditure incurred during 1978 on aids relating to the provision of socio-economic guidance for and the acquisition of occupational skills by persons engaged in agriculture (Only the French text is authentic)1980 No. 1124Decisions originating from the EU
80/1125/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the French Republic of aids granted to producers'organizations in the fishing industry during 1979 (Only the French text is authentic)1980 No. 1125Decisions originating from the EU
80/1126/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the French Republic of expenditure incurred during 1979 on aid relating to the provision of socio-economic guidance for and the acquisition of occupational skills by persons engaged in agriculture (Only the French text is authentic)1980 No. 1126Decisions originating from the EU
80/1127/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to Ireland of expenditure incurred during 1979 on aid for the less-favoured farming areas (Only the English text is authentic)1980 No. 1127Decisions originating from the EU
80/1128/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to Ireland of expenditure incurred during 1979 on annuities relating to measures to encourage the cessation of farming and the reallocation of utilized agricultural area for the purpose of structural improvement (Only the English text is authentic)1980 No. 1128Decisions originating from the EU
80/1129/EEC: Commission Decision of 20 November 1980 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to Ireland of expenditure incurred during 1979 on aid relating to the provision of socio-economic guidance for and the acquisition of occupational skills by persons engaged in agriculture (Only the English text is authentic)1980 No. 1129Decisions originating from the EU

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