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Your search for changes that affect all legislation made by UK Statutory Instruments in 2011 numbered 1043 has returned more than 200 results:


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The Food Hygiene Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 3Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 20062006 asp 4Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
The Public Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 5reg. 4(4)words substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 7Yes
The Public Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 5Sch. 4words substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 7Yes
The Public Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 5Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Utilities Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 6reg. 4(4)words substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 8Yes
The Utilities Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 6Sch. 4words substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 8Yes
The Utilities Contracts Regulations 20062006 No. 6Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 20062006 asp 11Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 20062006 c. 16Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 4Yes
Work and Families Act 20062006 c. 18Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
The Crofting Counties Agricultural Grants (Scotland) Scheme 20062006 No. 24Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 31Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not applicable to Welsh language versionNot yet made to English language versionNote
CloseAmendment to English language version only
International Development (Reporting and Transparency) Act 20062006 c. 31Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 4Yes
Government of Wales Act 20062006 c. 32Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 4Yes
Government of Wales Act 20062006 c. 32Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
Wireless Telegraphy Act 20062006 c. 36Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6See note
Animal Welfare Act 20062006 c. 45Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 4Yes
Animal Welfare Act 20062006 c. 45Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
Companies Act 20062006 c. 46Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 4Yes
Companies Act 20062006 c. 46Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Act 20062006 c. 55Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3 6Yes
The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) Order (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 66Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The National Health Service (General Ophthalmic Services) (Scotland) Regulations 20062006 No. 135Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Control of Vaccination) (Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 180Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Duty Stamps Regulations 20062006 No. 202Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Pension Schemes (Categories of Country and Requirements for Overseas Pension Schemes and Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes) Regulations 20062006 No. 206Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Housing Benefit Regulations 20062006 No. 213Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 20062006 No. 214Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Council Tax Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 20062006 No. 216Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food (Scotland) Regulations 20062006 No. 230Regulationswords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 17Yes
THE RAILWAYS (SAFETY MANAGEMENT) REGULATIONS (NORTHERN IRELAND) 20062006 No. 237Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Contaminants in Food (Scotland) Regulations 20062006 No. 306Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20062006 No. 311Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Education (Student Loans for Tuition Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 20062006 No. 333Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Housing Benefit Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 405Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 406Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
EC Fertilisers Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20062006 No. 503Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Railways (Access to Training Services) Regulations 20062006 No. 598Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10See note
The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 20062006 No. 599Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Plant Breeders' Rights (Naming and Fees) Regulations 20062006 No. 648Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Education (Student Loans) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 929Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The National Health Service (Performers Lists) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20062006 No. 945Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Authorised Investment Funds (Tax) Regulations 20062006 No. 964Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Yes
The Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food (England) Regulations 20062006 No. 1179Regulationswords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 1 para. 9Yes
The Animal By-Products (Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 1293Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Plant Health (Phytophthora ramorum) (Wales) Order 20062006 No. 1344Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export) (Wales) Regulations 2006 (revoked)2006 No. 1536Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Plant Health (Wales) Order 20062006 No. 1643Blanket amendmentwords substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043art. 3-6 8-10Not yet
The Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food (Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 1704reg. 2words substitutedThe Treaty of Lisbon (Changes in Terminology) Order 20112011 No. 1043Sch. 2 para. 1(2)(a)para. 1(5)(a)Not yet

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Where the text of legislation is available in both English and Welsh languages, changes will be applied to both language versions separately. Where changes have been made to both language versions this column will have an entry of 'Yes'.

Where changes have been applied to one language version and not the other this column will state which changes have been applied and which have not for each language.


Type of effect

There are many different types of effects. An “effect” can denote any way in which legislation impacts on or changes other legislation. There are three main types of effect which result in the text of the legislation changing: insertions (text is added), substitutions (text is replaced) and repeals (where existing text ceases to have effect and may also be removed from the legislation). In addition there are some effects that we record that do not result in a change to the text of the legislation e.g. “Applied” which is used where provisions of existing legislation are applied to new legislation or to some set of circumstances specified in the applying legislation.