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Your search for English language legislation from 1977 has returned more than 200 results.

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Council Decision of 12 December 1977 establishing a common procedure for the exchange of information on the quality of surface fresh water in the Community (77/795/EEC) (repealed)1977 No. 795Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 7 November 1977 on the setting of a Community target for a reduction in the consumption of primary sources of energy in the event of difficulties in the supply of crude oil and petroleum products (77/706/EEC) (repealed)1977 No. 706Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 28 October 1977 on the conclusion of the European Agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents and the Additional Protocol thereto (77/715 /EEC)1977 No. 715Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 establishing the list of maritime shipping lanes for the application of Council Directive 76/135/EEC (77/527/EEC)1977 No. 527Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 25 July 1977 concluding the Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and the Protocol for the prevention of the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft (77/585/EEC)1977 No. 585Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 3 June 1977 accepting on behalf of the Community several Annexes to the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures (77/415/EEC)1977 No. 415Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 29 March 1977 empowering the Commission to issue Euratom loans for the purpose of contributing to the financing of nuclear power stations (77/270/Euratom) (revoked)1977 No. 270Decisions originating from the EU
77/250/EEC: Council Decision of 22 March 1977 on the allocation of 7 438 500 European units of account to the European Development Fund (1975)1977 No. 250Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 10 May 1977 authorizing the Italian Republic to permit temporarily the marketing of seed not complying with requirements of Council Directive 70/458/EEC1977 No. 401Decisions originating from the EU
77/150/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 December 1976 authorizing the French Republic to restrict the marketing of a variety of cereals (Only the French text is authentic)1977 No. 150Decisions originating from the EU
77/124/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 January 1977 laying down a sampling plan for the Italian Republic with regard to the 1975 survey on the structure of agricultural holdings (Only the Italian text is authentic)1977 No. 124Decisions originating from the EU
77/656/EEC, Euratom, ECSC: Council Decision of 18 October 1977 appointing the members of the Court of Auditors1977 No. 656Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 31 August 1977 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to store outside its territory beef held by its intervention agency1977 No. 582Decisions originating from the EU
77/733/EEC: Council Decision of 21 November 1977 replacing an alternate member of the Committee of the European Social Fund1977 No. 733Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 6 April 1977 amending the Decision of 30 March 1977 on certain measures to prevent the spread of classical swine fever1977 No. 279Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 30 September 1977 authorizing Ireland to store outside its territory beef held by its intervention agency1977 No. 633Decisions originating from the EU
77/533/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 July 1977 setting up within the Advisory Committee on Feedingstuffs a special section on the Approximation of Laws1977 No. 533Decisions originating from the EU
77/710/EEC: Commission Decision of 3 November 1977 establishing retrospective monitoring of imports into the Community of bicycle tyres and tubes from South Korea and Taiwan1977 No. 710Decisions originating from the EU
77/282/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 March 1977 authorizing the French Republic to restrict the marketing of seed of certain varieties of agricultural plant species (Only the French text is authentic)1977 No. 282Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 17 March 1977 approving the transport of certain quantities of beef carried out by the French intervention agency prior to 1 January 19771977 No. 256Decisions originating from the EU

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