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Your search for English language legislation from 1975 has returned more than 200 results.

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Commission Decision of 7 May 1975 providing for the monitoring of imports into the Community of certain textile products1975 No. 313Decisions originating from the EU
75/768/EEC: Council Decision of 9 December 1975 on a financial contribution to the campaign against foot-and- mouth disease in south-east Europe1975 No. 768Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 18 September 1975 on the issue of import licences for beef and veal products originating in Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar and Swaziland1975 No. 568Decisions originating from the EU
75/494/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 July 1975 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/21.353 - Kabelmetal-Luchaire)1975 No. 494Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 8 September 1975 on the supply of skimmed-milk powder as emergency food aid to Somalia1975 No. 571Decisions originating from the EU
75/545/ECSC: Commission Decision of 10 July 1975 authorizing the Kingdom of Belgium to grant aids to coal mining undertakings in 19741975 No. 545Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 17 November 1975 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Republic of France of aids granted to recognized producer groups in the hop sector during 19731975 No. 722Decisions originating from the EU
75/519/EEC: Council Decision of 17 February 1975 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Ethiopia on the supply of skimmed-milk powder and butteroil as food aid1975 No. 519Decisions originating from the EU
75/94/EEC: Commission Decision of 19 December 1974 relating to proceedings under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/23.013 - Goodyear Italiana-Euram) (Only the Italian text is authentic)1975 No. 94Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 8 January 1975 autonomously raising the limits on the importation into the Community of cotton textiles subject to voluntary restraint measures by Japan1975 No. 67Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 22 July 1975 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Niger on the supply of skimmed-milk powder as food aid1975 No. 522Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 3 December 1975 replacing a member of the Advisory Committee of the Euratom Supply Agency1975 No. 777Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 3 November 1975 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to Ireland of premiums paid during 1974 for the conversion of dairy herds to meat production1975 No. 677Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 17 December 1974 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of the Philippines on the supply of skimmed-milk powder as food aid1975 No. 92Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 4 February 1975 relating to the urgent supply of skimmed-milk powder to the Philippines as food aid1975 No. 122Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 4 September 1975 specifying the extent to which applications for import licences lodged in August 1975 for young bovine animals of highland breeds for fattening can be accepted1975 No. 554Decisions originating from the EU
75/428/EEC: Commission Decision of 7 July 1975 concerning the supply of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine1975 No. 428Decisions originating from the EU
75/380/EEC: Council Decision of 24 June 1975 amending Decision No 73/88/EEC as regards the period of validity of the procedures of the Standing Veterinary Committee1975 No. 380Decisions originating from the EU
75/328/Euratom: Council Decision of 20 May 1975 on the establishment of the Joint Undertaking 'Schnell-Brüter- Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH' (SBK)1975 No. 328Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 17 December 1974 concluding the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters extending the Trade Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Argentine Republic1975 No. 37Decisions originating from the EU

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