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Your search for English language legislation from 1975 has returned more than 200 results.

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Commission Decision of 2 July 1975 concerning the supply of skimmed-milk powder to the International Committee of the Red Cross as emergency food aid to Haiti1975 No. 426Decisions originating from the EU
75/603/EEC: Commission Decision of 1 October 1975 placing foot-and-mouth disease vaccine at the disposal of the FAO1975 No. 603Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 7 November 1974 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Bolivia on the supply of common wheat as food aid1975 No. 175Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 20 December 1974 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the Republic of France of premiums paid during 1972 for grubbing apple trees, pear trees and peach trees1975 No. 47Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 20 May 1975 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Malagasy Republic on the supply of flour of common wheat as food aid1975 No. 326Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 28 July 1975 concerning an emergency supply of butter-oil to the International Committee of the Red Cross as food aid to Vietnam1975 No. 503Decisions originating from the EU
75/252/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 March 1975 amending the Commission Decision of 22 December 1972 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to sell butter at a reduced price in the form of concentrated butter1975 No. 252Decisions originating from the EU
75/73/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 December 1974 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/14.650 - Bayerische Motoren Werke AG)1975 No. 73Decisions originating from the EU
75/403/Euratom, ECSC, EEC: Commission Decision of 27 June 1975 conferring authority to fix standard average values for the determination of the value for customs purposes of apples and pears1975 No. 403Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 20 December 1974 on the reimbursement by the Guidance Section of the EAGGF to the United Kingdom of premiums paid during 1973 for the conversion of dairy herds to meat production1975 No. 46Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 17 July 1975 derogating from High Authority recommendation No 1/64 concerning an increase in the protective duty on iron and steel products at the external frontiers of the Community (sixty-eighth derogation)1975 No. 484Decisions originating from the EU
75/458/EEC: Council Decision of 22 July 1975 concerning a programme of pilot schemes and studies to combat poverty1975 No. 458Decisions originating from the EU
75/358/EEC: Commission Decision of 3 June 1975 relating to proceedings under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/712 - Stoves and Heaters) (Only the Dutch text is authentic)1975 No. 358Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 14 August 1975 on the issue of import licences for beef and veal products originating in Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar and Swaziland1975 No. 535Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 14 November 1975 determining the minimum rate of levy for the issue during the period 1 to 7 November 1975 of import licences for beef and veal under the 'EXIM' arrangements1975 No. 712Decisions originating from the EU
75/461/Euratom, ECSC, EEC: Commission Decision of 23 July 1975 amending the provisional rules of procedure of the Commission of 6 July 19671975 No. 461Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 16 June 1975 adjusting the economic policy guidelines for 19751975 No. 361Decisions originating from the EU
Council Decision of 25 August 1975 adopting a research and training programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of high-temperature materials1975 No. 512Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 11 April 1975 on the issue of import licences for beef and veal products originating in Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar and Swaziland1975 No. 261Decisions originating from the EU
Commission Decision of 3 April 1975 establishing retrospective control of imports into the Community of sisal binder twine1975 No. 235Decisions originating from the EU

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