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Your search for English language legislation from 1953 has returned more than 200 results.

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Accommodation Agencies Act 19531953 c. 23UK Public General Acts
Agricultural Land (Removal of Surface Soil) Act 19531953 c. 10UK Public General Acts
Belper Urban District Council Act 19531953 c. xvUK Local Acts
Berkshire County Council Act 19531953 c. xliUK Local Acts
Births and Deaths Registration Act 19531953 c. 20UK Public General Acts
Bradford Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 19531953 c. xxiUK Local Acts
British Transport Commission (Executives) Order 19531953 No. 1291UK Statutory Instruments
British Transport Commission Act 19531953 c. xliiUK Local Acts
British Transport Commission Order Confirmation Act 19531953 c. xxUK Local Acts
Bromley Corporation Act 19531953 c. xivUK Local Acts
Cheshire County Council Act 19531953 c. xlUK Local Acts
City of London (Central Criminal Court) Act 19531953 c. viUK Local Acts
Clyde Navigation Order Confirmation Act 19531953 c. xixUK Local Acts
Coventry Cathedral Act 19531953 c. xxxviiiUK Local Acts
Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 14Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament
Diocesan Stipends Funds Measure 19531953 No. 2Church Measures
Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 19531953 c. 28UK Public General Acts
Dover Harbour Act 19531953 c. xxixUK Local Acts
Dudley Extension Act 19531953 c. xxxvUK Local Acts
ECSC High Authority: Decision No 30-53 of 2 May 1953 on practices prohibited by Article 60 (1) of the Treaty in the common market for coal and steel1953 No. 30Decisions originating from the EU

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