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The River Humber Gas Pipeline Replacement Order 2016


This is the original version (as it was originally made).

Article 4

SCHEDULE 1Authorised project

PART 1Authorised development

1.  A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 20 of the 2008 Act and associated development within the meaning of section 115 of the 2008 Act comprising the works described below.

In North Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire—

Work No. 1 – A high-pressure gas transporter pipeline up to 6 kilometres in length and up to 1050 millimetres in diameter between the Goxhill AGI and Paull AGI and comprised of the following:

Work No. 1A – A high-pressure gas pipeline approximately 1,100 metres in length—

(a)starting at the Goxhill AGI and ending at the indicative start point of Work No. 1B, with the indicative route shown by the blue line on works plans sheet 5 and subject to the limits of deviation in article 7 (limits of deviation); and

(b)construction and installation of the pipeline by trenched and trenchless methods which may include the installation of a concrete-lined sleeve tunnel, drive shaft, backfilling of permanent structures.

Work No. 1B – A high-pressure gas pipeline approximately 3,800 metres in length—

(a)starting at the indicative end point of Work No. 1A and ending at the indicative start point of Work No. 1C, with the indicative route shown by the pink line on works plans sheets 5 to 7 and subject to the limits of deviation in article 7 (limits of deviation); and

(b)construction and installation of the pipeline by trenchless methods which may include the installation of a concrete-lined sleeve tunnel, backfilling of permanent structures.

Work No. 1C – A high-pressure gas pipeline approximately 750 metres in length—

(a)starting at the indicative end point of Work No. 1B and ending at the Paull AGI, with the indicative route shown by the blue line on works plans sheet 7 and subject to the limits of deviation in article 7 (limits of deviation);

(b)construction and installation of the pipeline by trenched and trenchless methods which may include the installation of a concrete-lined sleeve tunnel, reception shaft, backfilling of permanent structures; and

(c)reinforcement of existing high-pressure gas pipeline within the Paull AGI.

In North Lincolnshire—

Work No. 2A – A buried array of cathodic protection anode canisters with relevant associated equipment, at the indicative location shown on works plans sheet 5, comprising an area not greater than 1,536 square metres at a depth not less than 1 metre below ground.

Work No. 2B – Underground cathodic protection cables connecting Work Nos. 2A and 2C to Work No. 1, at the indicative location shown on works plans sheet 5, comprising a strip not greater than 10 metres in width and not less than 1 metre below ground.

Work No. 2C – Works for the connection of Work No 1A into the Goxhill AGI and associated capping works to the existing Feeder 09 pipeline comprising an area no greater than 792 square metres at the indicative location shown in works plan sheet 5 —

(a)temporary stopple and bypass pit;

(b)buried permanent stopple tees deviating vertically to a depth no greater than 4 metres;

(c)permanent above-ground nitrogen monitoring kiosk with dimensions not greater than 1 metre by 2 metres and not greater than 2 metres in height;

(d)cathodic protection facility including up to four transformer rectifier kiosks each comprised of control cabinet and junction box on a concrete plinth with dimensions not greater than 1 metre x 2 metres and not greater than 2 metres in height; and

(e)permanent post and rail fencing not greater than 1.5 metres in height.

In the East Riding of Yorkshire—

Work No. 3A – Works within the Paull AGI for the installation of above and below ground piping, and relevant associated insulation joints, valves, actuators and vents for the purposes of connecting Work No. 1C into the Paull AGI at the location shown on works plan sheet 7, such works not to be greater than 4 metres in height;

Work No. 3B – A cathodic protection facility including up to four transformer rectifier kiosks and distribution network operator kiosk, each comprised of control cabinet and junction box on a concrete plinth with dimensions not greater than 1 metre x 2 metres and not greater than 2 metres in height, surrounded by a post and rail fence, at the indicative location on works plan sheet 7.

Work No. 3C – Underground cathodic protection cables connecting Works No. 3B to Work No. 1, at the indicative location shown on works plans sheet 7, comprising a strip not greater than 6 metres in width and not less than 1 metre below ground.

Work No. 3D – Isolation works for the existing Feeder 09 pipeline at the indicative location shown in works plan sheet 7, comprising an area no greater than 154 square metres and—

(a)temporary stopple and bypass pit;

(b)buried permanent stopple tees deviating vertically to depth no greater than 4 metres; and

(c)permanent above-ground nitrogen monitoring kiosk with dimensions not greater than 1 metre x 2 metres and not greater than 2 metres in height.

Work No. 3E

(a)a buried array of cathodic protection anode canisters with relevant associated equipment at the indicative location on works plan sheet 7 shown coloured blue, comprising an area not greater than 99 square metres at a depth not less than 1 metre below ground;

(b)associated temporary construction areas for the installation of Work No. 3E(a) shown hatched green; and

(c)temporary widening and improvement works for construction access for the authorised project.

Associated development in connection with the authorised project within the Order limits:

In North Lincolnshire—

Work No. 4 – Temporary construction and work areas for use during the construction of the authorised project shown hatched green on sheet 5 of the works plans described as Work Nos. 4A, 4B and 4C to include—

(a)office, staff training, welfare and security facilities;

(b)power supplies and temporary lighting;


(d)pipeline construction and pre-testing;

(e)pipe equipment and fittings storage;

(f)tunnel construction and drive pit, equipment and fittings storage;

(g)plant storage;

(h)fabrication area;

(i)waste processing and management areas;

(j)spoil treatment and storage areas;

(k)installation of drainage, drainage attenuation and land drainage including outfalls;

(l)internal haul roads;

(m)access, parking and the installation of a temporary marshalled vehicular gate on East Marsh Road south of Fir Tree Farm, to be maintained during the construction of the authorised project;

(n)vehicle maintenance area including washing facilities;

(o)de-watering, recharging and water management areas including settlement lagoons; and

(p)grout batching plant and up to four silos for the storage of grout (not greater than 15 metres in height),

Work No. 4D to include—

(a)de-watering pipes, pumps and temporary groundwater discharge point at East Halton Beck (Skitter Drain);

(b)safety ramps at the point/s where the hoses will cross Footpath 50 on the Goxhill side of the Humber Estuary;

(c)temporary telemetry gauge for monitoring water levels;

(d)demarcation fencing, access and laydown; and

(e)the installation of a temporary vehicular gate at East Halton Skitter, to be maintained during the construction of the authorised project.

together with any works required in connection with the above.

In the East Riding of Yorkshire—

Work No. 5 – Temporary construction and work areas for use during the construction of the authorised project shown hatched green on sheet 7 of the works plans described as Work No. 5A to include—

(a)office, welfare and security facilities;

(b)power supplies and temporary lighting;


(d)pipeline construction;

(e)pipe equipment and fittings storage;

(f)tunnel construction and reception pit, equipment and fittings storage;

(g)plant storage;

(h)fabrication area;

(i)waste storage areas;

(j)installation of drainage, drainage attenuation and land drainage including outfalls,

(k)internal haul roads;

(l)access and parking;

(m)vehicle maintenance area including washing facilities;

(n)de-watering and water management areas including settlement lagoons; and

(o)spoil treatment and storage

Work No. 5B to include—

(a)de-watering pipes and temporary groundwater discharge point to the Humber Estuary,

(b)enclosures and pipe, equipment and fittings storage for the purposes of Work No 3D; and

(c)access and laydown.

together with any works required in connection with the above.

In North Lincolnshire—

Work No. 6 –Access works for use during the construction of the authorised project at the indicative locations shown in Schedule 5 described below:

Work No. 6A – Temporary widening of the junction of Thornton Road and College Road at the location shown on sheet 1 of the works plans.

Work No. 6B – Temporary widening of Soff Lane and an existing private access to be improved to provide temporary construction access at the location shown on sheet 1 of the works plans connecting with Work No. 6C.

Work No. 6C – Temporary construction access to the east of Brantwood at the location shown on sheet 1 of the works plans.

Work No. 6D – Widening of Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 1 of the works plans.

Work No. 6E – Temporary widening of Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 1 of the works plans.

Work No. 6F – Widening of Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 2 of the works plans.

Work No. 6G – Widening of Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 2 of the works plans.

Work No. 6H – Widening of Ferry Road at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans.

Work No. 6I – Widening of Ferry Road at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans.

Work No. 6J – Widening of Ferry Road at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans.

Work No. 6K – Widening of Ferry Road at the location shown on sheet 4 of the works plans.

Work No. 6L – Widening of Ferry Road at the location shown on sheet 4 of the works plans.

Work No. 6M –Widening of the junction of Ferry Road and East Marsh Road at the location shown on sheet 4 of the works plans.

Work No. 6N - Widening of East Marsh Road at the location shown on sheet 4 of the works plans.

Work No. 6O - Widening of East Marsh Road at the location shown on sheet 4 of the works plans.

Work No. 6P - Widening of East Marsh Road at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans.

Work No. 6Q – Widening and reinforcing of the junction of East Marsh Road and Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans.

Work No. 6R - Temporary widening of Chapel Field Road at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans.

In the East Riding of Yorkshire—

Work No. 7 – Temporary settlement monitoring areas for Work No 1 shown hatched blue on sheet 7 of the works plans to include demarcation fencing, marker posts and monitoring pegs no greater than 2.4 metres in height.

In North Lincolnshire—

Work No. 8 – Temporary settlement monitoring areas for Work No 1 shown hatched blue on sheet 5 of the works plans to include demarcation fencing, marker posts and monitoring pegs no greater than 1 metre in height.

In the East Riding of Yorkshire—

Work No. 9 – Temporary access works for use during the construction of the authorised project at the locations shown below:

Work No. 9A – Temporary widening of Thorngumbald Road at the location shown on sheet 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 9B – Temporary widening of and improvement works of the private track at Rose Hill Farm at the location shown on sheets 7 and 8 of the works plans.

Work No. 9C – Temporary widening of Farbridge Lane and the junction with Paull Road at the location shown on sheet 8 of the works plans.

In North Lincolnshire—

Work No. 10 – Temporary spoil storage area shown dotted black on sheet 5 of the works plans to include spoil handling and storage bunds, re-grading of soil and earthworks (bunds not to be greater than 4 metres in height).

Work No. 11 – Temporary environmental management and mitigation area shown cross-hatched grey on works plans sheet 5 to be set aside during the construction of the authorised project for alternative roosting or foraging for birds associated with the Humber Estuary Special Protection Area.

Work No. 12 – Temporary abstraction hoses connected to temporary caged high head pumps shown hatched green on works plans sheet 5.

Work No.13

(a)Temporary environmental management and mitigation area shown cross-hatched grey on works plans sheet 5 to be managed during the construction of the authorised project for alternative roosting or foraging for birds associated with the Humber Estuary Special Protection Area and Ramsar site; and

(b)the installation of a temporary vehicular gate on private land off East Marsh Road to be maintained during the construction of the authorised development.

PART 2Further associated development and ancillary works

2.  Such associated development and ancillary works within the Order limits as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the construction of the Works in Part 1of this Schedule or any of them (which fall within the scope of the works assessed by the environmental statement) consisting of—

(a)site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing and vegetation removal), earthworks (including soil stripping and storage) and site levelling, pre-construction drainage;

(b)in relation to Work Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 pipeline construction works including:

(i)surveying and setting-out;

(ii)tunnel boring, drive and reception pits, hydraulic rams, rollers and brackets, pipe thrusters and winch;

(iii)topsoil and subsoil stripping and storage;

(iv)archaeological surveys/investigations and watching brief;

(v)pipeline installation including pipe stringing, pipe bending, end preparation, front end welding, back end welding, fabrication welding, pipeline coating, pipeline trench excavation, trenchless crossings, lower and lay, sand padding, backfilling, pipeline tie-ins, re-grading of soil, post construction drainage, cross-ripping and reinstatement of top-soil, internally swab and gauge pipeline test sections;

(vi)filling, testing and dewatering test sections;

(vii)aerial markers, cathodic protection test posts and field boundary markers;

(viii)reinstating test locations;

(ix)removing demarcation fencing;

(x)reinstating boundary walls, hedges, and fencing;

(xi)final gauge plate and calliper surveys;

(xii)drying and commissioning pipelines;

(xiii)isolating the existing gas pipeline;

(xiv)demobilisation from site; and

(xv)works to enable power supplies;

(xvi)de-watering systems and water management areas;

(xvii)power supplies and temporary lighting; and

(xviii)installation of wires, cables, conductors, pipes and ducts.

(c)works to remove or alter the position of apparatus including mains, sewers, drains and cables;

(d)landscaping and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised project;

(e)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised project;

(f)temporary access tracks;

(g)works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance or reconstruction of any streets;

(h)the carrying out of street works pursuant to article 11 (street works), works to alter the layout of streets pursuant to article 12 (power to alter layout, etc., of streets) and the alteration or removal of road furniture;

(i)ramps, means of access;

(j)installation of drainage, drainage attenuation and land drainage including outfalls; and

(k)such other works as may be necessary for the purposes of or in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised project and which do not give rise to any materially different effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.

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