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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1978 numbered between 1300 and 1399 has returned 63 results.

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    Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
    The Housing (Amendment of Housing Revenue Account) (Scotland) Order 19781978 No. 1333 (S. 121)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Common Agricultural Policy (Protection of Community Arrangements) (Amendment) Regulations 19781978 No. 1330UK Statutory Instruments
    The Certification Officer (Amendment of Fees) Regulations 19781978 No. 1329UK Statutory Instruments
    The District of the River Findhorn (Annual Close Time) Order 19781978 No. 1326 (S. 120)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Local Review Committee (Scotland) Amendment Rules 19781978 No. 1325 (S. 119)UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Type Approval and Approval Marks) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19781978 No. 1321UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) (Great Britain) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 19781978 No. 1320UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) (Great Britain) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 19781978 No. 1319UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Type Approval) (Great Britain) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 19781978 No. 1318UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 19781978 No. 1317UK Statutory Instruments
    The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) (Amendment) Regulations 19781978 No. 1316UK Statutory Instruments
    The Public Service Vehicles (Licences and Certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 19781978 No. 1315UK Statutory Instruments
    The Inner Urban Areas (Designated Districts) (England and Wales) Order 19781978 No. 1314UK Statutory Instruments
    The Community Bus Regulations 19781978 No. 1313UK Statutory Instruments
    The Capital Gains Tax (Exempt Gilt-edged Securities) (No. 2) Order 19781978 No. 1312UK Statutory Instruments
    The Distribution of Footwear (Prices) Order 19781978 No. 1307UK Statutory Instruments
    The Chester-Bangor Trunk Road and The Dolgellau-South of Birkenhead Trunk Road (Hawarden By-Pass and Slip Roads) Order 19781978 No. 1306UK Statutory Instruments
    The Industrial Training Levy (Wool, Jute and Flax) Order 19781978 No. 1305UK Statutory Instruments
    The Insurance Companies (Notice of Long-Term Policy) Regulations 19781978 No. 1304UK Statutory Instruments
    The Civil Aviation (Notices) Regulations 19781978 No. 1303UK Statutory Instruments

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