Please note:
All reference to 'Parts' and 'sections' are from the Children and Families Act 2014. For other versions of these Explanatory Notes, see More Resources.
Section 1: Contact between prescribed persons and adopted person’s relatives
Section 2: Placement of looked after children with prospective adopters
Section 3: Repeal of requirement to give due consideration to ethnicity: England
Section 4: Recruitment, assessment and approval of prospective adopters
Section 6: Adoption support services: duty to provide information
Section 7 and Schedule 1: The Adoption and Children Act Register
Section 10: Family mediation information and assessment meetings
Section 13: Control of expert evidence, and of assessments, in children proceedings
Section 14: Care, supervision and other family proceedings: time limits and timetables
Section 16: Care proceedings and care plans: regulations: procedural requirements
Section 17: Repeal of restrictions on divorce and dissolution etc where there are children
Section 18: Repeal of uncommenced provisions of Part 2 of the Family Law Act 1996
PART 3 - children and young people in england with special Educational Needs OR DISABILITIES
Identifying children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
Children and young people for whom a local authority is responsible
Education, health and care provision: integration and joint commissioning
Education, health and care plans
Section 39: Finalising EHC plans: request for particular school or other institution
Section 40: Finalising EHC plans: no request for particular school or other institution
Section 41: Independent special schools and special post-16 institutions: approval
Section 43: Schools and other institutions named in EHC plan: duty to admit
Section 46: Maintaining an EHC plan after young person’s 25 birthday
Section 48: Release of a child or young person for whom EHC plan previously maintained
Section 50: Continuation of services under section 17 of the Children Act 1989
Special educational provision: functions of local authorities
Special educational provision: functions of governing bodies and others
Information to improve well-being of children and young people with SEN
Section 90: Extension of licensing of child performances to children under 14
Section 91: Purchase of tobacco etc. on behalf of persons under 18
Section 92: Prohibition of sale of nicotine products to persons under 18
Section 94: Regulation of retail packaging etc of tobacco products
Section 98: Arrangements for living with former foster parents after reaching adulthood
Section 99: Promotion of educational achievement of children looked after by local authorities
Section 101: Local authority functions relating to children etc: intervention
Section 102: Application of suspension etc powers to establishments and agencies in England
Section 103: Objectives and standards for establishments and agencies in England
Section 104: National minimum standards for establishments and agencies in England
Section 105: Disqualification from carrying on, or being employed in, a children’s home
Part 6 - the Children’s Commissioner
Section 107: Primary function of the Children’s Commissioner
Section 108: Provision by Commissioner of advice and assistance to certain children
Section 114: Children living away from home or receiving social care
Section 115 and Schedule 5: Minor and consequential amendments
Section 116: Repeal of requirement to appoint a Children’s Rights Director
Schedule 6: Repeal of requirement to appoint a Children’s Rights Director: Transfer schemes
Part 7 - Statutory Rights to Leave and Pay
Section 122: Statutory rights to leave and pay of applicants for parental orders
Section 123: Statutory paternity pay: notice requirement and period of payment
Section 125: Abolition of additional paternity leave and additional statutory paternity pay
Schedule 7: Statutory rights to leave and pay: further amendments
Part 8 – Time Off Work: Ante-Natal Care Etc
Section 127: Time off work to accompany to ante-natal appointments
Section 128: Time off work to attend adoption appointments
Section 57ZJ: Right to paid time off to attend adoption appointments
Section 57ZK: Right to remuneration for time off for adoption appointments
Section 57ZL: Right to unpaid time off to attend adoption appointments
Section 57ZN: Right to paid time off to attend adoption appointments: agency workers
Section 57ZO: Right to remuneration for time off to attend adoption appointments: agency workers
Section 57ZP: Right to unpaid time off to attend adoption appointments: agency workers
Section 57ZQ: Complaint to employment tribunal: agency workers
Section 129: Right not to be subjected to detriment: agency workers
Section 130: Time off work for ante-natal care: increased amount of award
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